At 18-Years-Young, Orren Fox Authors Do Beekeeping: The Secret to Happy Honeybees - Book Signing on National Honey Bee Day August 22, 2015
Boston, MA and Surkhet, Nepal (PRWEB) August 14, 2015 -- Honey. Drizzled over a slice of bread . . . or eaten directly from the spoon . . . is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Join us for National Honey Bee Day with an event filled with cross pollination, tasting, talking, reading, signing and honey. Share the journey of Orren Fox, local 18-year-old barefoot beekeeper and author of Do Beekeeping: The Secret to Happy Honeybees, published this June by Do Book Company. Bee Happy with us at Follow the Honey, Harvard Square, Saturday, August 22nd from 7-9p. Meet the amazing Orren Fox and get the buzz on how to set up your own hive.
Beehives are springing up on urban rooftops, in gardens, Nepal, and even on actor Morgan Freeman's 124-acre farm in Mississippi. Yes, ‘God’ just took up beekeeping.
Becoming a honey producer seems not only possible, but also environmentally the right thing to do. How easy is it and what’s involved?
“Do Beekeeping is part of a series of books designed to help you learn something new and motivate you to do it,” Miranda West, publisher of The Do Book Company based in London, said. “Like the Do Lectures, Do Books are about sharing ideas to inspire action.”
The timing could not be better.
According to a recent report for CNN, David Schubert, a professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, stated that today’s bees are dying at an alarming rate. Even the White House acknowledged the dire situation and recently released a task force report about it. While the report acknowledges that pesticides are involved in the demise of bees, it could have discussed more how for the first time in the history of agriculture the same chemicals are inside not only the pollen that bees consume but also the foods we eat.
“Bees feed us in many ways,” Orren Fox, author, said. “They nourish us spiritually. They are teachers of a democratic environment. And, one out of every 3 or 4 bites of food we eat is thanks to bees.”
Orren knows his bees and his facts. He explains further, “they’re also ‘the canaries in the coal mine’ for what is happening in the world.”
o Bees pollinate 80% of the world’s plants including 90 different food crops.
o The honeybee is responsible for $15 billion in U.S. agricultural crops each year.
Mary Canning, founder and social justice entrepreneur of the retail shop 'Follow The Honey' in Cambridge, Massachusetts, puts it in hardworking honeybee perspective:
o It takes 1,125 bees foraging 2 million flowers to make just 1 pound of honey.
o That means, one honeybee makes 1/12th teaspoon in her lifetime.
“Follow The Honey, is about following your heart,” Canning said. “We've followed Orren Fox since he began blogging about his backyard chickens while foraying into beekeeping in his early teens,” explains Mary Canning, “To witness his emergence as a young leader integrating beekeeping with ethical altruism, as evidenced by his Do Book proceeds going to Kopila Valley School is incredibly uplifting, empowering and in alignment with values at the core of our brick store; where Follow The Honey inspires 'local-meets-global' activism daily. Hosting Orren Fox with his newly published Secret to Happy Honeybees is an incredible honor which will not only sell books, but further stimulate robust dialogue concerning humanity, the environment & our shared planet echoed on the pages he so lovingly crafted."
Good Do Bee
In the summer of 2014, as a student on summer break from the Thatcher School in Ojai, California, where he set up beekeeping, Orren Fox travelled to Nepal. There, he volunteered with Maggie Doyne, whom he met in 2012 at the Do Lectures. Maggie, at age 19, began BlinkNow Foundation and the Kopila Valley Children’s School. With many children living in the natural and political difficulties of Nepal, Orren taught beekeeping to all in an effort to produce local honey for the village and for its profit. Now as a high school graduate, Orren will return to Surkhet, Nepal, to continue his efforts with the Kopila Valley School and Children's Home before starting college in the fall of 2016. All proceeds of Orren’s Do Beekeeping: The Secret to Happy Honeybees benefit Blink Now. Here’s the 100% do-good recipe:
Simply buy the book, learn about bees, and help children in Nepal. How sweet it is.
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Orren Fox, Do Beekeeping: The Secret to Happy Honey Bees, June 2015. His book is available on and in bookstores in the U.S. and the U.K. For more on Orren visit: Happyhoneybees(at)gmail(dot)com, Twitter @happyhoneybees; @happychickens;; and
The Do Book Company publishes inspirational ‘how to' guides for Doers written by leading innovators and experts. Doing good, 5% of book proceeds go to the Do Lectures to help it achieve its aim of making positive change. Visit: To find out more about Do Book Company, its books and authors, please visit or follow on Twitter @dobookco
Follow The Honey is a retail shoppe for all things honey located at 1132 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is celebrating its 4th year as a Harvard Square storefront on National Honey Bee Day.
Buzz Mary Canning, Owner, at 617.945.7356
The BlinkNow Foundation’s mission is to provide an education and a loving, caring home for orphaned, impoverished and at-risk children. BlinkNow provides community outreach to reduce poverty, empower women, improve health, and encourage sustainability and social justice. The Foundation fulfills its mission by providing financial support and management oversight to the Children’s Home and Kopila Valley School in Surkhet, Nepal. Its founder is 28-year-old Maggie Doyne, an American philanthropist who has been recognized for her work helping to develop an orphanage and school in the Kopila Valley of Nepal after spending time in that country during a gap year after completing high school. Maggie was just 19-years-old.
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Orren Fox is available for immediate interviews August 16 - 22.
Please contact Jeanne Wallace at o: 978.255.7446 or c: 978.853.3477 to set up.
Do Beekeeping / The Secret To Happy Honeybees by Orren Fox
Isbn: 9781907974205
RRP: $16.95
144pp includes 20 full-color photographs by Michael Piazza and 8 B&W line illustrations by Anna Koska
Distributed via Ingram
Jeanne Wallace, JWMarketPR, +1 978.255.7446, [email protected]
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