Canada (PRWEB) April 21, 2014 -- Author Nick Ringma begs to disagree with the usually quipped cliché “Once an addict, always an addict” as he jots down the personal and clinical observations garnered from the professional perch of an addiction therapist in his book entitled “A Baker’s Dozen.” If there is one that addicts who seeks recovery should possess, it is the hope to start anew.
The day-to-day journey of recovery impelled Ringma to pen down the positive images of fun as an antidote to the often negative sensational stories that saturate popular media and surround addictions. The author’s experience on both sides of the fence bridges the practical nature of recovery to the essential restoration of morality. The keen eye for detail, coupled with an earthquake of personal experience, guides the clinical perspective and envelops the journey with passion and compassion.
Ringma believes that addicts can come clean and stay clean. Treatment is available and it works for nicotine, alcohol and other drugs to people who want to heal themselves from the negative effects of addiction. This book is both encouragement for the journey and an embrace along the way. A solid recovery perspective that lives on every page will serve as an antidote for much of what parades in the media as the problem.
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About the Author
Nick Ringma graduate from Simon Fraser Unviersity. He was born in Holland, grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia and studied at Calvin College. He holds an SAC from University of the Fraser Valley and an ICADC and ICCDP. He is a director of the Canadian Addictions Counselors Certification Federation. Prior to his counseling career, Nick Ringma held executive positions in the electronics and packaged-goods industries. He contributed to Credo Magazine, published in journals and periodicals, including Dandelion and the Banner. He won the ACP award for poetry. Nick Ringma has served the Last Door Recovery Society since 1996. He lives in New Westminster, British Columbia, with his partner, Margaret, and is a father and a grandfather, and feels blessed to be alive.
A Baker’s Dozen * by Nick Ringma
Glimpses of Hope and Rays of Light For the Road
Publication Date: March 21, 2014
Trade Paperback; $32.49; 84 pages; 9781493179145
Trade Hardback; $38.99 x; 84 pages; 9781493179138
e-book; $8.99; 9781493179152
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