Author Writes Book To Shake Outworn Spiritual Beliefs
GOLD COAST, Australia (PRWEB) January 21, 2016 -- Internationally recognized trance medium, teacher and author Jennifer Starlight releases her new book, “Invisible Grace” (published by Balboa Press AU), about human struggle, spiritual awakening, self-discovery and spiritual liberation.
“’Invisible Grace’ offers challenging new concepts from the ‘other side’ that will shake many outworn belief systems that have in fact kept a good deal of seekers at arm’s length from their own inner grace and that of the Spirit realm,” Starlight says. “This book is also unique in that it advocates that being a human being is a privilege and has a divine purpose, and this is supported by the extraordinary teachings shared directly from the divine intelligence of Starlight’s Spirit Guides.”
Starlight adds that she wants readers “to realize they are already deeply connected to the magic and power of the Spirit world and their own soul and that all the knowledge and guidance they require is already inside of them.”
“Invisible Grace”
By Jennifer Starlight
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 172 pages | ISBN 9781504300278
E-Book | 172 pages | ISBN 9781504300285
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jennifer Starlight lives on the Gold Coast of Australia and has been representing the power of Spirit on earth for more than 25 years. She hosts a weekly Psychic Radio Show based in the United States and was recently awarded a Gold Membership by the Australian Academy of Spirit, in recognition of her ethics and dedication to her craft. She has been channeling her Spirit guide Amun Min since 2005 and, more recently, the Ascended Master, Lord Maitreya. Starlight is also the author of “Union” and “Joy.” More information is available at
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