Blue Scientific look forward to a successful show at MMC 2015
Poole, Dorset (PRWEB UK) 24 June 2015 -- The science behind determining the levels of an element in a compound, performing indentation hardness, and developing potentiostats is not only mesmerising but deeply complex. As such, companies such as the Cambridge-based Blue Scientific are relied upon to provide not only the equipment, but also the in-depth knowledge which accompanies scientific instruments for laboratory research, life science, and energy research.
This year sees Blue Scientific return to the Microscience Microscopy Congress (MMC) 2015, where they will be showcasing the M6 Micro-XRF, as well as representing Hysitron nanoindenters, and their range of both nanoindenters and picoindenters, including the new PI 87 SEM Picoindenter. Used for mechanical testing with 5 degrees of freedom in sample positioning, the PI 87 SEM Picoindenter provides the user the freedom of aligning the sample with an ion beam, when modifying.
MMC 2015 is the industry’s largest exhibition of the year, bringing together a large scientific conference, coving a multitude of disciplines and areas within microscopy and imaging, over 100 companies demonstrating their products and services, and three days of commercial workshops.
Blue Scientific will attend the show with an exhibition stand from the Poole-based contractors, Quadrant2Design. With seamless effect graphics, the series of modular, portable stands create the perfect backdrop to the company’s array of leading equipment.
For more information about Blue Scientific, visit or contact info(at)blue-scientific(dot)com.
Registration for MMC 2015, which takes place in Manchester on 29th June – 2nd July, can be found at
For a complimentary design consultation from Quadrant2Design, contact designteam(at)quadrtant2dsign(dot)com.
Andrew Carney, Quadrant2Design,, +44 1202723500, [email protected]
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