Boise City Treatment Center Announces Adult, Adolescent Program to Stop Heroin Addiction
Boise City, ID (PRWEB) December 19, 2013 -- A Boise City treatment center is announcing that it is launching a new program aimed toward stopping heroin addiction through Drug Addiction Treatment Centers.
A report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicates in 2012, there were 156,000 persons aged 12 or older who had used heroin for the first time within the past 12 months. This estimated number in 2012 was similar to the numbers in 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2007 to 2011 (ranging from 106,000 to 187,000), but was higher than the numbers in 2003 and 2006 (92,000 and 90,000, respectively). The 2012 average age at first use among recent heroin initiates aged 12 to 49 was 23.0 years, which was similar to the 2011 estimate (22.1 years).
Heroin is just one of many drugs that the treatment center helps people put in their past. Alcoholism, a disease that destroys individuals as well as families, is addressed through the substance abuse treatment center’s programs.
Entering the Boise City rehab gives clients a new chance to be responsible members of society once again. They come to find themselves, discover new levels of self-esteem, and a spirituality that works.
An initial step is detoxification from all mind-altering substances. This is overseen by a well-trained medical staff, making sure clients are supported, guided and nurtured through these initial hours and days free from their drug of choice.
Once people leave the treatment center, outpatient care and support is strongly suggested by counselors.
For more information on the treatment center in Boise City, visit or call (855) 912-7867.
Medical Director, Drug Addiction Treatment Centers,, (855) 912-7867, [email protected]
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