Boost Your Health Through Breastfeeding
ROSWELL, Ga. (PRWEB) October 24, 2017 -- You! Lingerie's mission is to help new moms feel the beautiful, beneficial bond of breastfeeding while being able to look like the glowing queens they are.
When women are able to breastfeed their newborns, the health benefits for mother and baby are countless. For the little ones, breast milk is nearly the perfect mix of vitamins, protein and fats. Lowering the child's risk of allergies, ear infections and asthma as well as strengthening their immune systems are just a few more of the unbelievable bonuses. For mothers, stabilizing hormones and burning extra calories are always a plus.
In addition to the tremendous skin-to-skin bond that is also formed between mother and baby, the Chicago Tribune reported that the "American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), has found that the risk of breast cancer dropped 2 percent for every five months a woman breast-fed."
Something as natural and amazing as breastfeeding should continue to be celebrated when it comes to what maternity and nursing bras and underwear women are wearing and using. You! Lingerie was born when founder Uyo Okebie-Eichelberger searched endlessly for beautiful nursing lingerie as a first-time breastfeeding mom. The more she searched, the more daunting it became to find a cute, well-made and affordable maternity and nursing bra. Equipped with her Duke MBA and experience as a brand manager, Uyo took matters into her own hands, resulting in the launch of You! Lingerie in 2010. With a mission to make breastfeeding and expecting moms feel confident and beautiful every day, You! Lingerie is designed to not only be sexy, colorful and luxurious, but have also been crafted to provide great support and functionality to pregnant and nursing mothers.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and the phenomenal anti-cancer benefits are beautiful, nursing and maternity lingerie should be too. You! Lingerie provides a perfect balance between functionality, support and comfort without sacrificing style.
For National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and every month, look to You! Lingerie for maternity and nursing bras and undergarments to boost your confidence while you boost your health.
Katie Rose Cronin, ChicExecs,, +1 6306993964, [email protected]
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