BSK Explains Key Points in Buy VS Lease Argument on Solar Power in 2015
(PRWEB) April 15, 2015 -- Installing a solar power system is something many Americans decide upon each year. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association(SEIA) a solar system was installed every 3 minutes in the United States in 2014. By looking at that statistic we can see that making the choice to install a system is quiet common in the US. Once homeowners decide to go green they are faced with yet another crucial decision. That decision is to either buy or lease the PV system. BSK Senior Advisor Jacob Laroz has evaluated the key points of the argument and hopes to bring relief to those homeowners struggling to decide whether to make a purchase or possibly lease a system.
According to Jacob, the two main benefits of solar power are, “environmental and economical.” It is no surprise that these two factors are often the make it or break it figures for homeowners looking to invest in solar. Jacob is dissecting an informative release made by Energy Sage earlier in 2015 on the highlights of buying VS leasing and wants to clarify with homeowners which ideals should really hold weight and value to their decision making process in his professional opinion. “Every home and family in America will benefit from various factors and each project is very unique. From my experience, when homeowners are presented with proper information, they can make more solid decisions on whether they should buy or lease.”
The Senior Advisor at BSK defined these points as the most valuable information for homeowners in his professional opinion:
“To begin with, not much needs to be said about the environmental differences because if your own or lease a system it is still equally as beneficial to the environment. The most important ideals to hold onto in decision making are personal goals. If you wish to sell your home soon and maximize from your investment, you might buy a system and increase your home value and make money while selling your home. Homeowners should speak with a solar energy agent to see which taxes and rebates they might qualify for with a purchase and consider those factors as a sign to lease if none are available. Leasing is great for homeowners who care more about producing renewable energy and less about maximizing financial returns. The maintenance is taken care of for free by the leasing company and the term of fixed rate payments are locked in generally for 20 years. Leasing still leaves room for savings and homeowners looking to save on utility bills who have good credit make a good fit for this option.”
Jacob Laroz, BSK,, +1 (877) 809-0928, [email protected]
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