CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: PCC Seeks to Recognize Champions of Colorectal Cancer Prevention
Annapolis, MD (PRWEB) January 22, 2014 -- Not-for-profit advocacy organization Preventing Colorectal Cancer (PCC) seeks nominations for the fourth annual Champion Awards of Colon Cancer Prevention to recognize individuals, groups and companies that provide either exceptionally high standards of care or who most effectively advocate for the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC). Founded in 2008, PCC’s mission is to educate the public and key stakeholders about the opportunities to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer through regular screening and care options for patients and their clinicians.
Those interested in submitting a nomination may visit, or click here for details and a downloadable application. The deadline for nominations is February 24, 2014, and winners will be notified in March to coincide with Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
“PCC is dedicated to detection and cure of a deadly form of cancer, colorectal cancer. We applaud and seek out those individuals/institutions that make a difference in this fight, realizing that many toil in this endeavor quietly and effectively. PCC seeks to offer recognition yearly in examples of this work that are extraordinary,” says Steven Morris, MD, PCC chairperson.
According to PCC Executive Director Randall Madry, “PCC recognizes that many people and organizations are making a real difference in the effort to increase the number of Americans screened for colorectal cancer, and they should be honored for their efforts and contributions to this critical part of the battle against colorectal cancer.”
The PCC Champion Awards Program aims to recognize:
•An individual or group practice that maintains a facility that offers the highest level of quality care and support.
•An individual or group who has acted as an effective advocate for the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer.
•A stakeholder who has provided support to our mission statement and excelled in efforts to educate the public and key stakeholders about the opportunities to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer through maintaining colorectal cancer screening and care options for patients and their clinicians.
All applications must be received in the PCC offices by February 24, 2014, for review by the Awards Committee. Winners will be notified by March 14, 2014, during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
Questions related to the program announcement, proposal format or required documentation should be submitted as early possible to jbehm(at)PreventingColorectalCancer(dot)org.
Visit for more information and a downloadable application.
About Preventing Colorectal Cancer: Headquartered in Annapolis, MD, Preventing Colorectal Cancer preserves the tradition of safe, comfortable and quality-based medicine. PCC is a not-for-profit 501(c) 6 advocacy organization with its primary mission to educate both public and private stakeholders about the opportunities to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer through promoting effective screening, prevention and care options for patients.
Randall Madry, Preventing Colorectal Cancer,, +1 (410) 777-5310, [email protected]
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