Carnegie Council Presents the Summer Issue of its Journal, "Ethics & International Affairs": Human Rights & the UN's Development Agenda, Humanitarian Drones, & More
New York, New York (PRWEB) June 17, 2016 -- Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs is pleased to announce the publication of the second issue in "Ethics & International Affairs'" 30th anniversary volume. The issue features a roundtable on the role of human rights in the UN’s post-2015 development agenda, an essay on humanitarian drones, and more.
To access it, go to The entire issue is free online for a limited time.
The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Humanitarian Drones
John R. Emery
The debate about drones has been slow to shift from targeted killings to the emerging category of the humanitarian drone. As technology and innovations advance, there remain critical ethical tensions associated with drones, even in their humanitarian use.
Lost in Transformation? The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals
Malcolm Langford
The new Sustainable Development Goals agenda may be big, but is it truly transformative? This essay explores two common critiques: that states have created an agenda more decorative than operational, and that political compromises could undermine the strength of the agreement.
Transformative Equality: Making the Sustainable Development Goals Work for Women
Sandra Fredman, Jaakko Kuosmanen, and Meghan Campbell
This essay makes the case for the continued development of a human rights-based approach to the Sustainable Development Goals that will contribute to achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.
Equality as a Global Goal
Edward Anderson
The Millennium Development Goals were often criticized for having a "blind spot" with regard to inequality and social injustice—possibly even contributing to entrenched inequalities. This essay examines the extent to which this criticism has been addressed in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Accountability for the Sustainable Development Goals: A Lost Opportunity?
Kate Donald and Sally-Anne Way
This essay examines how the "politics of accountability" played out during the post-2015 negotiations on the SDGs and how this influenced the resulting compromise in the final outcome document.
Rethinking Central Bank Accountability in Uncertain Times
Jacqueline Best
Central banks have gained considerable authority since the 2008 financial crisis, using highly unorthodox tools to stimulate the economy and taking a greater role in financial regulation. In such a context, we need to develop a more robust form of accountability.
Should We Take the "Human" Out of Human Rights? Human Dignity in a Corporate World
Cristina Lafont
Recognizing corporations as legal persons with human rights may have a detrimental effect on the human rights of natural persons. If this legal development continues, human rights practice may be facing two incommensurable paths.
When Democracies Denationalize: The Epistemological Case against Revoking Citizenship
Elizabeth F. Cohen
What makes denationalization problematic for democratic theorists are not simply the procedures used to impose this penalty or its consequences, but also the permanence of this type of punishment.
The Democratic Roots of Expatriation
Ben Herzog
Patti Tamara Lenard's analysis of the right to revoke citizenship in democratic states overlooks one legitimate motivation behind expatriation: the aim to regulate national allegiance.
Democracy, Exile, and Revocation
David Miller
For those who set their faces against the implicit contract that democracy embodies, revocation procedures incorporating strong human rights safeguards may still be justified.
Patti Tamara Lenard Replies
Patti Tamara Lenard
Revocation laws are adopted among many tools to fight the threat of terrorism. Nevertheless, revocation of citizenship remains incompatible with democratic citizenship as a matter of principle.
Scientists at War: The Ethics of Cold War Weapons Research
Sarah Bridger
Review by Jacques E. C. Hymans
Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights
Alan Patten
Review by Daniel Weinstock
Sexualities in World Politics: How LGBTQ Claims Shape International Relations
Edited by Manuela Lavinas Picq and Markus Thiel
Review by Ryan Thoreson
Published by Cambridge University Press, Carnegie Council's quarterly academic journal, "Ethics & International Affairs," aims to help close the gap between theory and practice by publishing original essays that integrate rigorous thinking about principles of justice and morality into discussions of practical dilemmas related to current policy developments, global institutional arrangements, and the conduct of important international actors.
Founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1914, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs is an educational, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that produces lectures, publications, and multimedia materials on the ethical challenges of living in a globalized world. For more information, go to
Madeleine Lynn, Carnegie Council for Ethics,, +1 212-838-4120 Ext: 219, [email protected]
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