Casey Gollan’s Tips for Using Instagram For Business
(PRWEB) October 23, 2013 -- “Instagram is a relatively new mobile app,” says business guru Gollan. The company created a website and it’s growing Big Time. Businesses are finding success building followings on Instagram and the bigger your audience the more customers you potentially have.”
In his Tip Sheet 101 Tips for Using Instagram for Business, Gollan provides the following advice for companies keen to exploit the new picture medium:
• Make sure the handle contains the company name. That way it’s easier for companies to be found by interested potential customers. Another idea is to link the handle to the company’s existing Facebook or Twitter name.
• Link-up Instagram to other social networks - especially Facebook. That’s because Facebook owns Instagram so expect some smart future integrated apps. It’s possible to use Instagram on Twitter and other networks too.
• Snap plenty of popular content. Looking at the Explore feed on Instagram it’s clear that the photos which do best are those depicting animals, travel and food. It’s possible to relate these kinds of photos back to a company in a creative fashion.
• Use other fan bases. Uploading photos of popular speakers or figures and linking their name would tap into that audience too.
• Enlist the power of Hashtags. Witty hashtags can be good for gaining followers. Serious ones too if it’s a topical subject, says company mentor Gollan.
• Use filters sparingly. Filters are an excellent novelty tool and not available on many photo sharing sites. However companies should try and limit the use of them as they often end up distracting from the actual photo itself.
• Set goals. How many followers should the company gain within a set time period? Goals can be motivating as well as practical.
• Use already established audiences. Why reinvent the wheel? If the company already has follower bases on Facebook and Twitter then it makes sense to use Instagram there. Insert them into customer emails too.
• Make sure the company responds to comments. Companies can be notified whenever anyone posts a comment or likes their photographs, allowing them the opportunity to provide a timely response.
• Host events on Instagram. This allows a company’s clients to upload their own photographs on the company’s account, explains business coach Gollan. A retail company for instance could ask what everyone would like for a Christmas present that year and use a hashtag such as #favxmaspressie along with an additional tag which is the company’s name.
• Comment and ‘like’ other photos on Instagram. Aim for individuals and companies who already have large followings. That way the potential for more followers - and hence clients - is improved.
• Take advantage of location services. Company personnel can tag their location on Instagram via a visual map while the HQ can be permanently highlighted to benefit anyone visiting the company
• Brand photographs. Or rather, the company should discreetly include its brand logo on any photographs
• Provide early peeks of upcoming sales etc. Label it as a sneaky preview and it will attract a lot more attention than a ‘regular’ Instagram upload.
• Post up archive shots. People get nostalgic for old street scenes, fashion, décor, hairstyles, food etc so if a company has any such photographs in their archives it’s a good idea to post them up on Instagram. Then they can sit back and watch the comments roll in.
• Celebrate anniversaries. If the company is celebrating their first year in business – let everyone know. Celebrate other anniversaries too such as a staff member’s big birthday (if they’re agreeable) or a major wedding anniversary.
• Add hyperlinks to descriptions. A company should link to the product or service they’re referring to, or a particular promotion, on their web page.
The above are just a selection of tips on how to use Instagram to a company’s best advantage. There are plenty of other marketing tips and useful coaching advice in general to be found on Gollan’s website today.
Casey Gollan, Casey G Pty LTD, 1 800 680 993, [email protected]
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