CCOH Director of Nursing Receives National Certification
North Charleston, SC (PRWEB) July 29, 2013 -- Dawn R. Frazier, RN, CCHP-RN earned specialty certification in the field of correctional nursing on 07/01/2013. Ms. Frazier has demonstrated the ability to deliver specialized nursing care in corrections and is among the first groups of registered nurses and certified correctional health professionals nationwide who have earned this distinction.
CCHP is highly regarded as a symbol of accomplishment and self-improvement, and provides immeasurable benefits. It promotes correctional health professionals’ knowledge, understanding, and application of standards and guidelines essential to the delivery of appropriate health care in the correctional environment; their role in delivering that care; the basic legal principles underlying their practice; and their ethical obligations.
Established in 2009 by the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare, the CCHP-RN certification program was among the first to recognize professionalism and excellence among registered nurses employed in correction health care. The credential is awarded to professionals who have met the program’s eligibility requirements and who pass the national examination.
Dawn has been employed with CCOH for three years. In addition to her duties as Director of Nursing, she also serves as the Division Lead for services provided at the Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center (SACDC). She has led the facility through successful surveys performed by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care Surveys, American Correctional Association and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In addition, Dawn was instrumental in the medical facility obtaining Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) licensure for its infirmary. The SACDC has the only licensed jail medical infirmary in South Carolina.
Dawn’s commitment to national standards and commitment to high quality care reflect proudly on her and the entire nursing profession.
Herbert Drayton, Carolina Center for Occupational Health,, 843-554-1029, [email protected]
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