CEO Abdel Russell Releases His "9 Rules of a Serial Goal Digger" Audio Book on iTunes
New York, New York (PRWEB) February 17, 2015 -- Abdel Russell, also known as "Sosa", is the CEO of a Rockland County, NY, based entertainment company, MVB Entertainment LLC, and the owner of independent record label, MVB Entertainment Music Group (MVBEMG).
Earlier this year, Abdel Russell released three short clips on YouTube. The clips were from his thirty minute feature, on the Taya Simmons directed "Goal Diggers" documentary series.
In the documentary series, Mr. Russell poignantly discusses how he navigated and navigates through life, and business. To make sure his message was accessible to everyone, he decided to release portions of his documentary feature on iTunes, as an audio book.
"9 Rules of a Serial Goal Digger" is a quick sixteen minute Spoken Word audio book containing nine tracks. Abdel Russell says he wanted it to be something entrepreneurs and everyday people with aspirations could turn to for quick answers and directions, when they are faced with challenges.
"I'm no different than anyone else, we are all great beings. What separates successful people from everyone else, is work ethic, and determination-thats it". Sosa also said that people's attention span these days are very short, so he squeezed as much knowledge and life experiences in sixteen minutes, on nine tracks.
His sixteen minute audio book "9 Rules of a Serial Goal Digger" is currently on iTunes' New and Noteworthy section of Spoken Words. Sosa has not yet said if he plans on releasing his full documentary feature on "Goal Diggers", but for now the most important piece of the documentary can be experienced on iTunes.
Sosa, MVB Entertainment LLC,, +1 (646) 206-5994, [email protected]
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