Challenges for Parallel Trade in the local and international markets
London (PRWEB UK) 20 December 2013 -- “There are a few hurdles before gaining marketing authorisation of parallel-imported pharmaceuticals through the centralised and the national regulatory procedures. Regulatory approval is needed in each destination country, which comprises a short dossier and a fee payable to the regulatory authority of each country. At EU level and for products that have pan-European licensing through the EMEA centralised procedure, a pan-European parallel importation license can be obtained. The regulatory process is rigorous and this minimises the risk of counterfeit drugs.” - Pharmaceutical Parallel Trade in the UK, by Panos Kanavos and Paul Holmes, CIVITAS
Panos Kanavos (BSc, MSc (Oxon), MSc (LSE), PhD) is Reader in International Health Policy in the Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics (LSE) and Programme Director of the Medical Technology Research Group (MTRG) at LSE Health. He has acted as an advisor to a number of international governmental and nongovernmental organisations, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the American Association for Retired Persons, and Ministries of Health of over 21 transition and developing countries.
With nearly 40 years' pharmaceutical experience, Donald Macarthur is considered one of the world's leading experts on parallel trade . Based on his recent in-depth experience with both European parallel trade and international pharmacy, he is uniquely qualified to advise on the challenges of parallel trade locally and internationally.
Donald and Panos will be joining Tim Hammond, Head of Global Pricing, Leo Pharma and Peter Sinis, Decision Support, Biogen IDEC International GmbH in SMI’s 8th annual Parallel Trade conference for a Panel Discussion about “Challenges in the local market and internationally” addressing topics such as:
•Legislative issues
•Regulatory issues
•Institutional issues
•Market structure issues
•Economic impact
For more information on this conference click here or contact Fateja Begum, Pharmaceutical Executive, on +44 (0) 20 7827 6184 or email [email protected]
Sonal Patel, SMi Group Ltd,, +44 2078276106, [email protected]
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