Chinese Drywall Complaint Center Urges Florida and Gulf Home Inspectors To Join In Their Toxic Chinese Drywall Home Inspection Initiative-A Service Every Home Buyer Needs
(PRWEB) July 29, 2013 -- The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is joining forces with the Homeowners Consumer Center in a vital new initiative, that has been designed to protect unsuspecting homeowners from unknowingly purchasing a single family home, a townhouse, or a condominium in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, or Southeast Texas, if the property is exhibiting indicators of toxic Chinese drywall. The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is inviting experienced, and honest residential homebuilding inspectors in the Gulf States to join them in this effort. The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center envisions this toxic Chinese drywall indicator inspection will be a add on to a standard homebuilding inspection, and they expect homebuilding inspectors will charge for this additional inspection service. There will be a modest fee to participate in this initiative of $375 for one year-per home inspector-home inspection firm. Home inspectors that elect to participate will be listed both on the Homeowners Consumer Center's web site, and the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center's web site, and there will be weekly press releases urging potential home buyers to have a gulf state home inspected for indicators of toxic Chinese drywall, using the suggested home inspectors listed on their web sites. To guarantee uniformity the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center, and the Homeowners Consumer Center will have a list of required things to check for, in a home, townhouse, or condominium inspection, and again-this is a add on service to a normal home inspection. For more information experienced, and extremely ethical home inspectors are urged to contact the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center at 866-714-6466.
Inspection Requirements To Be Included In The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center's Toxic Chinese Drywall Home Inspection Initiative - The Participating Home Inspector Must Do the Following In Each Home Inspection:
- With the exception of the bathroom/bathrooms the home inspector must check every electrical outlet box in every room of the home to see if any of the copper ground wires have turned black.
- The home inspector must check the home's AC unit, or air handler to see if the copper coils, or copper tubes have turned black. The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is also strongly encouraging participating home inspectors request in writing-via e-mail their client-home buyer call the proposed home's air conditioning service company to see if there is a history of air conditioning coil failures in the home, townhouse, or condominium project.
- The home inspector must check to see if there are any visible copper plumbing pipes, that have turned black, in a home they inspect
- The home inspector must remove the circuit breaker panel cover to see if any of the copper wires to the circuit breakers have turned black.
- These inspections will only be applicable for single family homes, condominiums, and townhouses in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and the metro area of Houston,Texas, and the inspection is not designed to guarantee a home does not contain toxic Chinese drywall, because that would be impossible. The inspection is designed to check if indicators of toxic Chinese drywall could be present, and again this is a add on service for a normal home inspection. The anticipated add on fee for this vital service should be between $250, and $400 depending on the size of the home.
The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center in collaboration with their Homeowners Consumer Center have begun this very aggressive initiative to build a team of home building inspectors in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Houston, Texas metro, because they get daily calls from homeowners, or potential home buyers requesting toxic Chinese drywall inspections, or inspections that would indicate the presence of toxic Chinese drywall. The group says, "Toxic Chinese drywall inspections are urgently needed in all of the Gulf States, and we want to build a team of experienced home inspectors to satisfy this demand, as a add on service to a routine home inspection. Our prime candidates are established home inspectors in each of the Gulf States, who have a sterling reputation." For more information home inspectors in the any of the Gulf States are encouraged to contact the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center at 866-714-6466. http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.Com
Important Note From The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center to Homebuilding Inspectors in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Southeast Texas: "We want to emphasize the inspections we propose are only for indications of toxic Chinese drywall, such as blackened electrical copper ground wires, or blackened air conditioning coils. This is not a test focused on locating toxic Chinese drywall, because that could require destructive testing for homes that were built, or underwent a remediation in the 2005, to 2008 time frames. We would also request participating inspectors have photographic proof, and they get their home inspection, plus add on toxic Chinese drywall indicator fee up front." http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.Com
M Thomas Martin, Americas Watchdog,, 866-714-6466, [email protected]
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