ChiRunning® School for a New Year Fitness Training Program
Asheville NC (PRWEB) December 26, 2015 -- Recently released, the new ChiRunning® School presents their revolutionary technique in digital form in a monthly subscription with weekly video and audio lessons delivered directly to the subscriber’s inbox.
A new year brings about many ideas to increase fitness levels and awareness. Running is a natural easy choice. For beginners, coming back after a long break or a deep desire to increase our efficiency, there can be at any given time in the entry-level process, a mixture of excitement, anxiety and anticipation going through the body. Once the decision to get in shape and reclaim health and fitness is made, there is a real sense of purpose.
Founder, Danny Dreyer has digitized the lessons in an easily deliverable format. Through video and audio lessons, their new running school makes proper form and technique easy to learn and accomplish. View a short excerpt from a lesson here about avoiding shin splints.
Experience what many runners have discovered as it offers a fresh approach, and within days, every run will end with a completely fresh set of legs. Countless testimonials agree that one of the biggest noticeable changes is all the pounding disappears, and the run becomes smoother along the ground, even on pavement. The recovery time in distance runs will be reduced to nothing.
With any fitness program, learning new things about how to make the run more efficient and easier on the body is a never-ending classroom. Now the new digital school delivers this revolutionary technique to all as perpetual students. The video and audio lessons teach how to move the body correctly, and how to relax the muscles so the body has a more fluid movement. It is based on the wisdom from ancient Tai Chi principles. Danny’s lessons teach these natural forms of movement step by step as he brings the unique learning experience to your inbox.
Shoulders and hips must remain loose and relaxed so the arms and legs can be a conduit for power coming from the core. If the body is stiff or holds tension in the hips or shoulders, the arms and legs will have to do all the hard work that the core muscles could easily do. As in Tai Chi, the arms and legs follow the lead of the core.
The core muscles are more efficient than extremities because they work more isometrically and the arms and legs work isotonically. Because the core muscles are isometric muscles, they can get stronger without getting bulkier. They also do not burn as much fuel or produce as much lactic acid. An added benefit of using the core muscles is the legs are not the primary source of power, this makes the odds of getting any type of leg injury significantly lower.
The injury rate also goes down because it uses correct biomechanics. Lighter on the feet, relaxing muscles, using gravity, and the movement is highly efficient because it is balanced in all six directions, top to bottom, side to side and front to back.
Since 1999, the ChiRunning® technique has led the revolution in natural technique. Based on the movement principles and meditative aspects of Tai Chi, it prevents injuries by building core strength, balance and endurance. It has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Workshops are offered worldwide by hundreds of Certified Instructors. An extremely effective technique-based training program for marathons, half marathons, 10K and 5K races.
If the decision for a new fitness program is part of a new year resolution of changes, or equally important to experienced runners is choosing and scheduling their race calendar, then consider the ChiRunning® School for effortless and efficient fitness as well as a training program for long distances.
Natalie Elliott, ChiLiving,, +1 828-252-9828 Ext: 300, [email protected]
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