Claro Guatemala Selects AVSystem for Large Scale CPE Monitoring and Management
Kraków, Poland (PRWEB) October 22, 2013 -- The complete project includes zero-touch provisioning, full end-to-end management of CPEs, and dedicated portals for subscribers (self-management) and customer care. What Claro values most of all is AVSystem UMP unbeatable performance delivering live data from CPEs with the highest possible resolution as well as enhanced dedicated monitoring modules with a thorough business analysis generating proactive alerts about problems in the network. What is important, flexibility of the Unified Device Management Platform acting as a Next-Generation TR-069 Auto Configuration Server (ACS) will allow Claro to integrate the platform with devices without TR-069 support over such protocols as SSH, Telnet, T1, OMA-DM, HTTP & SNMP.
After integration with Claro OSS/BSS systems, AVSystem UMP will serve as a self-contained tool for seamless activation of new services, advanced CPE monitoring & troubleshooting and large scale CPE management. The spectrum of AVSystem UMP users ranging from Customer Care to Network Operations teams will benefit from a wide set of UMP features that facilitate daily networks maintenance as well as contribute to decreasing operational costs.
About AVSystem:
AVSystem is the market leader in advanced CPE & device management for Telcos and ICT SPs based on TR-069 family and other management protocols like http/s, SNMP, ssh, telnet, t/ftp, OMA-DM. High performance of AVSystem architecture supporting modems/routers (xDSL, Cable, WiMAX, 3G, LTE), STBs, xPON/FTTx/ETTx, VoIP terminals and Femtocells helps to improve operational processes & reduce costs through auto-configuration, mass operations, remote diagnostics & troubleshooting, advanced monitoring and QoE. More information at
About Claro:
Claro is the leading Telecom operator in Guatemala and part of América Móvil telecom group, headquatered in Mexico. With 6M mobile subscribers and 0.5M fixed broadband Internet users, it is the market leader delivering high-quality services to its subscribers.
Joanna Hajda, AVSystem, +48 126194765, [email protected]
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