Clients of Brookhaven Retreat Attended the Holiday Open House at the East Tennessee Visitor Center and Hobby Lobby on Dec. 12, 2015
Knoxville, TN (PRWEB) December 15, 2015 -- Brookhaven Retreat® LLC hosted a therapeutic outing for clients to the East Tennessee Visitor Center and Hobby Lobby on Dec. 12, 2015, where they enjoyed the East Tennessee Historical Society’s Holiday Open House. Entertainment was provided by the Smokyland Sound Chorus of the Greater Knoxville Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and clients enjoyed holiday refreshments.
Currently on display at the Visitor Center is a beautifully hand-carved crèche made in Germany and brought to East Tennessee by the immigrant Fickey family in 1883. Family legend indicates that it had origins in the Fickeys’ home district of Erzgebirge some 150 years before being brought to this country. Other exhibits included the feature exhibition Celebrating a Life in Tennessee Art: Lloyd Branson, 1853-1925, an East Tennessee Streetscape and Corner Drug Store, and Voices of the Land: The People of East Tennessee, a look at 300 years of history, from the Cherokee to the 1982 World’s Fair.
As part of The Lily Program®, a 90-day voluntary residential program offered exclusively at Brookhaven Retreat, regular recreational outings help women overcome depression, trauma, anxiety, personality disorders, and substance dependence among other diagnoses.
Founder of Brookhaven Retreat, Jacqueline Dawes, says, “Clients are inspired by experiential therapy with trips to museums, outdoor programs and cultural events. Weekly outings are highly valued as part of the comprehensive treatment plan at Brookhaven Retreat.”
Because clients also participate in art therapy, this outing included a stop at Hobby Lobby to purchase art supplies. Art therapy is an essential, experiential aspect of the recovery program at Brookhaven Retreat for the fact that artistic activity engages different parts of the brain. It has the ability to summon images from the unconscious - dreams, fears, thoughts, feelings and desires that have been hidden away from our conscious minds.
“Drawing, painting, sculpting and other artistic expression can help a client express what’s going on beneath the surface,” Dawes added. “The imagery reveals ideas that relate to a woman’s personal story. Art encourages self-discovery in a very natural, comforting way.”
About Brookhaven Retreat
Brookhaven Retreat is a women's treatment center nestled on a naturally beautiful 48-acre site secluded in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. It has helped hundreds of women across the United States overcome depression, trauma, anxiety, substance use and a range of other behavioral health challenges. Brookhaven’s Founder, Jacqueline Dawes, has predicated its gender-specific treatment on “healing emotional breakage” for women. In this way, she has established a sanctuary and a place where women can feel safe, secure and cared for by a staff of highly trained professionals.
Lisa Breeden, Brookhaven Retreat,, +1 865-357-3600, [email protected]
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