CME Outfitters Continues to Make International Impact on Clinical Behaviors
Bethesda, MD (PRWEB) June 05, 2017 -- CME Outfitters (CMEO), a leading accredited provider in continuing medical education, continues to proudly deliver a best-in-class CME experience to clinicians across the globe. From Hong Kong to Santiago, CMEO has worked diligently to provide continuing medical education opportunities to clinicians across 5 continents.
The upcoming 2nd Annual Advances in Diagnosis, Neurobiology, and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders meeting - taking place June 12-13 at Columbia University in New York, NY - is the latest of CMEO’s international activities and will host over 150 psychiatrists from 7 Latin American countries. This meeting, supported by an educational grant from Abbott Laboratories, will bring together twelve leading faculty to discuss the diagnosis, neurobiology, and treatment of patients with common psychiatric disorders. Translators will be on site to ensure that all attendees are able to fully engage in the presentations, regardless of native language.
CME Outfitters has earned a solid reputation over the last fifteen years for developing and providing top-of-the-line continuing medical education experience. CME Outfitters has earned Accreditation with Commendation for its accreditation practices and has expanded their offerings to include expert accreditation services for non-accredited organizations. CMEO has ventured into other therapeutic areas, including infectious disease, mood disorders, immunology, inflammatory diseases, oncology, and cardiology, and has been innovating at a lightning speed as they work to conceive and build the most engaging adult learning systems available. In 2017, CMEO introduced its latest educational advancement by providing a virtual reality learning experience at a dermatology convention in San Francisco and looks forward to offering this capability at future meetings.
On November 16-18, 2017, CME Outfitters will be hosting The 10th Annual Chair Summit: Master Class in Neuroscience Professional Development at the beautiful Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans, LA. Chair Summit brings leaders in the neurosciences from across the nation together to present the latest, cutting-edge clinical practices and emerging treatments for a variety of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s psychosis, Ketamine as treatment for depression, medical marijuana, and the risks of concussion in sports. In addition to plenary sessions, Chair Summit is known for its break-out small group sessions, in which attendees can interact directly with the Chairs and ask their most pressing clinical questions. Registration is now open and early bird prices are available for a short time. For more information, or to register, visit
About CME Outfitters, LLC
CME Outfitters develops and distributes live, recorded and web-based, outcomes- and evidence-based educational activities to thousands of clinicians each year and offers expert accreditation and outcome services for non-accredited organizations. CME Outfitters focuses on delivering education to specialty audiences, with strong expertise in neuroscience, inflammatory, infectious, and autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular disease. For a complete list of certified activities and more information, visit or call 877.CME.PROS (877.263.7767).
“CME Outfitters …
Improving Clinical Behavior … One Change at a Time”
Anna Larkin, CME Outfitters LLC, 614-328-4529, [email protected]
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