Collaborative surgery using Google Glass demonstrated at the Games for Health Europe Conference on October 28, 2013
Amsterdam, Netherlands (PRWEB UK) 30 October 2013 -- Academic Medical Center Amsterdam and UReason are pleased to announce that they are partnering to improve the real-time situational awareness in the operating room and beyond.
A challenge in the operating room, like other environments, is the quantity of information that is generated by the ever increasing complexity of medical equipment and processes. Surgeons and other medical staff are challenged with translating this quantity of real-time information into quality data that improves patient care.
The initial collaboration between Academic Medical Center Amsterdam and UReason is focused on developing technology and work processes to aggregate and prioritize the data in the operating room in a configurable way. With this, the right information will be delivered to the right person at the right time. Continuing collaboration will focus on applying this expertise to other areas of patient care.
"With our knowledge and experience in deploying cutting edge patient care and UReason's expertise in translating real-time and historical date into actionable intelligence, we are excited about the collaboration" says Dr. Marlies P. Schijven MD PhD MHSc, surgeon.
At the Games For Health Europe Conference, Dr. Marlies Schijven of the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam and Dr. Rafael Grossmann, MD FACS, surgeon of the Eastern Maine Health Systems demonstrated the ability to interact during surgery using Google Glass over WIFI. This is the first initiative on the roadmap of the UReason-AMC partnership.
This demonstration included a live stream of a laparoscopic Toupet fundoplication, a surgical procedure for reflux oesophagitis. During the live stream, Dr. Grossman was able to interact with Dr. Schijven who was performing the surgery wearing Google Glass. Dr. Grossman, wearing Google Glass, moderated the questions from the audience and from the live stream; whilst seeing the procedure performed through his Google Glass.
It was the first live surgery performed using Google Glass in the Netherlands. This was probably the first glass-to-glass surgical procedure performed – worldwide.
Google Glass provides a unique platform to facilitate real-time collaboration between geographical dispersed groups and this surgical demonstration was intended to demonstrate Glass's unique capabilities. "I have said it many times, Google Glass represents the natural evolution of the computing device, of the platform connecting the information-the Web to the individual" says Dr Grossmann.
The third Games for Health Europe Conference was held in Amsterdam. It is an affiliate of Games for Health Conferences held in the United States. To date, the project has brought together many researchers, medical professionals and game developers to share information about the impact games and game technologies can have on health, health care and policy.
About Academic Medical Center Amsterdam
The Academic Medical Center (AMC) is one of the foremost research institutions of the Netherlands as well as one of the largest hospitals. The AMC complex houses the university hospital and the medical faculty of the University of Amsterdam, as well the Netherlands Institute Neurosciences and, the medical department of the Royal Tropical Institute. In the coming years, a national Neuroimaging Center will arise next to the AMC. Also a number of biotech companies – partly AMC spin-offs - are located on the premises. This concentration of expertise makes the AMC a breeding ground for fruitful scientific collaboration. The AMC houses all medical specializations that are recognized in the Netherlands, and all types of top clinical patient care.
CONTACT: Marc van den Broek, Edith Gerritsma, pers(at)amc(dot) +31205662929
About UReason
UReason is a provider of technology products and services enabling companies to quickly create intelligent applications that automate reasoning and improve situational awareness.
UReason technology enables domain experts such as operators, process engineers, quality control managers and consultants to establish easy to use interactive decision support solutions.
UReason’s services, technology and methodology provide a cost effective mechanism to embed key knowledge and guidance into applications and products, supporting the entire life cycle of intelligent application.
Leen de Graaf, UReason,, +31 715281700, [email protected]
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