Comparison of three magnetic nanoparticle tracers for sentinel lymph node biopsy in an in vivo porcine model published by Dove Medical Press.
(PRWEB) February 18, 2015 -- The International Journal of Nanomedicine has published the original research “Comparison of three magnetic nanoparticle tracers for sentinel lymph node biopsy in an in vivo porcine model”.
As first author Mr Joost Pouw says “When breast cancer spreads, it first spreads to the lymph nodes in the armpit. The gold standard to diagnose whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, sentinel lymph node biopsy, relies on the use of radioisotopes. This limits the availability of the procedure worldwide. A radiation-free alternative, using of a magnetic nanoparticle tracer and a handheld magnetometer was recently successfully evaluated in two clinical trials. However, the particles in the used magnetic nanoparticle tracer are substantially larger compared to the currently used radioisotope tracer. An ideal tracer is rapidly distributed to the lymph nodes, retained in the first lymph nodes reached, and accumulates in high concentrations in these lymph nodes.”
Mr Pouw continues “In order to optimize the clinical application of the magnetic technique, we evaluated the performance of three different sized magnetic tracers in an in vivo porcine model. To facilitate the clinical application of our results, we used tracers approved for use in humans, and an animal model which closely resembles human dimensions and lymphatic drainage. Our results show that the 59-nm sized tracer is currently the most suitable magnetic tracer for sentinel lymph node biopsy, because it is rapidly distributed, retained in the first nodes reached, and it accumulates in high concentration.”
As Professor Thomas J. Webster, Editor-in-Chief, explains “The study compared three commercially available magnetic nanoparticle formulation approved for diagnostic use and the results would be highly significant for practical breast cancer imaging.”
The International Journal of Nanomedicine is an international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the application of nanotechnology in diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systems throughout the biomedical field.
Dove Medical Press Ltd is a privately held company specializing in the publication of Open Access peer-reviewed journals across the broad spectrum of science, technology and especially medicine.
Angela Jones, Dove Medical Press, +649 443 3060 Ext: 207, [email protected]
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