Sells Flags Which They Believe Represent Southern Heritage.
(PRWEB) October 14, 2016 -- History of the Rebel Flag and the Civil War
In the opinion of some living in the south, the Confederate Flag has been an integral part of southern living experience for many years. During the Civil War a.k.a the “war between the States”, the battle flag was flown by the Confederacy. The Confederacy consisted of the following states: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. The war was started because the southern states wanted to keep slavery while Abraham Lincoln and the Union wanted to abolish slavery. The following states were located in the Union: Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Nevada, California, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Kansas.
The South Carolina Incident and why the flag is controversial
Many have attributed the Rebel Flag to a church shooting in Charleston South Carolina. A 21 year old, Dylann Roof, came into a Emanuel African Methodist Church and began shooting at innocent victims. Roof had held photos of him next to the Confederate Civil War battle flag many times and had also posted his “manifesto” of why the white race was superior to all other people on his many online accounts.
Why has the opinion that this event doesn’t define the meaning behind the Confederate Flag and why still offers it for sale.
After the “War Between the States”, the Union Army came through many small towns in the states of the confederacy and simply just ravaged everything. Houses, churches, farms, town halls, and schools were all burned to the ground. A small town named Vienna, Alabama was burned to the ground. Vienna was rebuilt and renamed New Hope, Alabama. Many other small towns around the south were never rebuilt. After going through such a tragedy, many southerners began to cling to the symbol of the rebel flag as a way of showing southern pride and heritage( NBC News, June 19,2015). believes that, in conclusion, southern pride has been remembered by the showing of the rebel flag, and while hatred may still be in the hearts of groups like the KKK, the confederate flag doesn’t stand for racism.
Rebel Flag, Confederate Flag for Sale,, +1 2562513608, [email protected]
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