Corra Group’s Gordon Basichis to Attend the 2017 Osmosis Conference for Background Screening and Investigation
(PRWEB) September 19, 2017 -- Corra Group Co-Founder Gordon Basichis will be presenting in the Monday night “Bits n Bytes Session at the annual Osmosis Conference, to be held October 8th through 11th, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Osmosis Conference is attended by investigators for the legal, law enforcement, investigative, business, and accounting community. The conference will address key issues in these disciplines, including advanced methodologies, emerging technologies, and other techniques to gain results through computer searches.
“I am delighted to be attending the Osmosis Conference,” said Gordon Basichis. “On Monday night I will be addressing, Getting the Most out of Public Records. In six different sessions of ten minutes each, I will be advising on the best ways to access public records, how to search, what to expect, what to avoid, and understanding the limitations of the public records system. I expect it to be a lot of fun.”
“There will be a number of people who are I attending that I know already, and others who I have spoken to over the phone or through email, who I have never met in person. I am really looking forward to meeting them. These are dynamic professionals in a variety of disciplines. This should be a great learning experience. And Myrtle Beach is such a great venue.
Basichis noted OSMOSIS brings together North America’s most recognized social media and open source investigative practitioners for a singular educational experience. The three-day session promises comprehensive training for optimizing the latest cellular and desktop social media investigations, open source searching, asset research, as well as international sourcing.
“Corra Group offers a variety of services with focus on due diligence and investigative campaigns,” said Basichis. “We offer these services directly to the corporate entities and we assist a variety of global investigative groups in pursuing the information necessary for their clients to make an informed judgment. Sometimes we provide a larger series of background checks, and often we service our clients by providing relevant pieces of the puzzle.
“We typically encourage our clients to talk to us first, before beginning a due diligence process or an investigation,” said Basichis. “That way we can discuss up front the client’s objectives so that we can recommend the necessary background searches that we have available. The interaction between myself and our corporate and investigative clients is something I truly enjoy. Which is but one of the reasons I am looking forward to the OSMOSIS Conference, next month.
BACKGROUND: Corra operates as Corra Group and Corra Global Research and specializes in employment screening and corporate research and investigation. It is one of the few companies that will answer the phone. You can review the website at
Gordon Basichis, Corra Group, http://http:\, +1 310-488-0039, [email protected]
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