Couples in Trouble Relationship Expert, Dr. Jackie Black, Debuts the 2-Day, Destination Marriage Retreat in Panama City, Panama.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 14, 2015 -- Staying happy in a relationship and loving for years and years can be tricky at best. Men and women get sucked into the logistical ruts they know as their lives as husbands, wives, life partners, and taxi services to kids.
That’s why Couples in Trouble Relationship Expert, Dr. Jackie Black, debuts her 2-Day, Destination Marriage Retreat in a new paradise that bestows a vibrant metropolis and gateway to tropical escapes.
For couples who have tried many different approaches and programs multiple times without achieving the results they hoped for, perhaps have been failed by traditional marriage therapy and going it alone one more day just isn’t an option; the 2-Day, Destination Marriage Retreat just might be the right answer.
The 2-Day, Destination Marriage Retreat is a respite from the pressures of life and the world couples live in with a rich opportunity to focus on oneself, the couple and the relationship. Couples In Trouble learn to utilize a set of Essential Relationship Skills and processes that will facilitate shifting into a relationship based on values, choice and cooperation; deeply informed by an ever-expanding sense of compassion, understanding, love, and respect for each other.
“This is a much better path to happiness and a far less costly approach than the ‘conscious uncoupling’ making headlines by celebrities,” Dr. Jackie says. “Let’s face it. The path to love’s bloom can take a sharp detour from happily ever after to dread because of bills, dirty laundry, and competing needs and priorities.”
To head off this potential collision and to transform from the day-to-day rut of family living to rediscover the spark of appreciation that brought partners together at the start, Dr. Jackie offers these practical strategies and timeless tips:
1. Create Intimacy with Deliberate Choices and Actions
“Deliberate choices and actions send the unmistakable message that you are happy to be with your partner and that your life is better and richer together than it could ever be alone,” Dr. Jackie says. “Intimacy is the result of celebrating each other’s presence and celebrating being in each other's presence. Always remember to be encouraging and intentional.”
2. Make Time to Connect
Think back to when you first started dating. What did you enjoy about being together? What activities did you both enjoy doing that you no longer make time to do? If you asked yourself or your partner right this minute why love bloomed in the first place, how would each of you answer? “Both partners must carve out quality, alone-time together every week, take responsibility for it, and ensure nothing gets in the way of planned time together,” Dr. Jackie maintains.
3. Create Romance and Time for Sex
Deepening romance in a relationship requires intention, commitment and planning. Both partners are equally responsible. “Romantic and sexual energy is created moment by moment, hours and days BEFORE you actually feel romantic or are interested or welcoming of receiving your partner sexually. Those f-e-e-l-i-n-g-s are the result of consistently receiving loving, kind, caring, thoughtful behaviors over time. Each partner, like a strand of exquisite pearls, must intentionally string those behaviors together. The giving partner intentionally gives and the receiving partner intentionally receives in ways that they BOTH know they have been received and appreciated,” Dr. Jackie explains.
About Couples in Trouble Marriage Educator and Coach Dr. Jackie Black
Jackie Black, Ph.D, BCC is an internationally recognized marriage educator and coach who serves couples in trouble who are serious about doing what it takes to stay together through her marriage coaching programs. Named by COSMOPOLITAN magazine as one of their most beloved international love gurus, Dr. Jackie guides couples out of trouble to reignite the spark in their marriages step by step and day by day. Hundreds of happy clients around the world turn to Dr. Jackie’s programs to save and improve their relationships. Dr. Jackie is a frequent guest expert on radio programs throughout the U.S. and Canada and on Internet radio and is regularly cited in major magazines in the U.S. and abroad. To interview Dr. Jackie Black, engage her to speak, and/or to access her gift eGuide offering 3 Fast + Fun Ways to Reignite the Spark in Your Marriage TODAY, visit
Dr. Jackie Black, Dr. Jackie Black, LLC,, (760) 346-9795, [email protected]
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