Cozy Products® Interviews Fortune 500 Companies, Discuss Switch to Radiant Personal Heaters
(PRWEB) January 10, 2017 -- Cozy Products® has published their first blog post of 2017, highlighting the reasons why many Fortune 500 companies have chosen Cozy Products® for their offices and warehouses. In just one heating season, companies can save tens of thousands of dollars in electricity costs and over one hundred thousand pounds of greenhouse gases.
The available personal space heaters offered are extremely low-watt, and use very little electricity. Included in this blog is advice from the U.S. Department of Energy regarding guidelines for portable heaters, stating “radiant heaters are a more efficient choice” when choosing a personal heater rather than a larger scale heater.
One Fortune 500 company employee who was tasked with finding inefficiencies within the company came to the conclusion after extensive research through various EPA, DOE, and scholarly articles that personal foot warmers were much more energy efficient than traditional space heaters. With many companies starting energy-reducing initiatives, the decision to switch from space heaters to personal, radiant foot warmers is quickly becoming the popular choice.
Cozy Products® offers energy-efficient, low-watt personal heaters that conserve energy, prevent circuit overloads, and reduce the risk of fire. Founded decades ago and based in Chicago, USA, Cozy Products® strives for a superior level of quality.
Cozy Products® is part of the Bird-X group of companies. For more information on these items, or any of the Cozy Products® diverse line, please call customer service at (800) 662-5021.
Rachel Cable, Bird-X, Inc.,, +1 (312) 226-8454, [email protected]
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