Creators of the 'Economic Impact Rating' Point to 'American Made' Ralph Lauren Olympic Uniforms and Their 'Made in the USA' Campaign as Proof of Changing Tide
Boston, MA (PRWEB) October 31, 2013 -- Yesterday, Ralph Lauren announced their line for the Olympic Games was 'Made in the USA'. They pressed this point, as last year they were met with public outcry when word got out that the USA's Olympic uniforms, made by Ralph Lauren, were 'Made in China'. This sparked a national conversation about outsourcing-- one that Ralph Lauren seems to have listened to.
Anthony Comito, creator of the 'American Economic Impact Rating'-- a rating found on a product's packaging that indicates how much of the purchase price is really captured in America's economy-- says this unfolding of events is "proof" that consumers not only care about the economic impact of products, but also that businesses are listening and adjusting accordingly.
Mr. Comito believes the use of 'Made in America' marketing will only increase over the coming years. He notes ad campaigns by Apple, Google, and Walmart-- with Walmart promising to divert $50B to stocking 'Made in America' products over the next decade. "As the trend continues to grow, the question inevitably rises, 'Just how mad in America are these products?'. That's where we come in." He says American Economic Impact Rating is the "Consumer Reports of Made in America".
The Economic Information Exchange Company, providers of different lines of 'Economic Impact Ratings', will work with companies to amass a large amount of data, which they place on a 5-star scale and place on the product's packaging, signage, or advertising. They look at inputs, raw materials, logistics, taxes, charity and more to determine how much of the money a consumer is handing over will be captured in the America economy-- and get it to consumers on packaging, signage, or advertising at their point-of-decision. "That way, consumers get the information quickly and efficiently, in the store aisle or on, and from there they can work it into their buying criteria."
Mr. Comito believes, "the best way to support the American economy grow is to give consumers the information the information they need to use the most powerful vote they have-- the one they make with their wallets."
Rueters; Oct 2013;
Time; April 2013;
Anthony Comito, Economic Information Exchange Company,, +1 (877) 237-2974 Ext: 0, [email protected]
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