Crowley Vessels Honored with U.S. Coast Guard AMVER Awards
Washington DC (PRWEB) June 25, 2015 -- Sixty five Crowley Maritime Corp. vessels were recently recognized for their participation in the Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) program, a computer-based voluntary global ship reporting system used worldwide by search and rescue authorities to arrange for assistance to persons in distress at sea. The awards were given during the U.S. Coast Guard’s NAMEPA Safety at Sea Seminar dinner, an event designed to bring industry and government leaders together each year in Washington D.C.
All 65 Crowley vessels were given a certificate of merit for participation, with eight company vessels receiving additional pennants for their continuous, long-term dedication to the program.
AMVER pennants for dedication to the AMVER program are given to vessels that are consistently eligible for enrolment. They are color-coded and given on milestone years, including first, fifth, tenth and beyond. Crowley vessels Ocean Wind and Siku received blue pennants for completing their first full years; tugs Gauntlet, Endurance, Guardian, Sea Breeze, and Stalwart each received gold pennants for completing five consecutive years; and the Resolve received a purple pennant for completing its tenth consecutive year.
The full list of honored Crowley vessels is as follows:
Gauntlet (five years)
Bulwark (four years)
Endurance (five years)
Guardian (five years)
Navigator (four years)
Ocean (two years)
Ocean Sky (two years)
Ocean Sun (two years)
Ocean Wave (two years)
Ocean Wind (one year)
Sea Breeze (five years)
Sea Horse (four years)
Sea Voyager (six years)
Siku (one year)
Stalwart (five years)
Warrior (four years)
Adventurer (four years)
Defender (four years)
Ensign (four years)
Monitor (four years)
Patriarch (four years)
Ranger (four years)
Sentinel (four years)
Sentry (four years)
Carat (three years)
Courage (13 years)
Endurance (18 years)
Freedom (18 years)
Honor (11 years)
Independence II (nine years)
Integrity (14 years)
National Glory (four years)
Ocean Charger (two years)
Ocean Crescent (four years)
Ocean Freedom (three years)
Ocean Giant (three years)
Resolve (10 years)
Achievement (four years)
Coastal Reliance (three years)
Commitment (four years)
Courage (six years)
Evergreen State (one year)
Florida (two years)
Golden State (four years)
Gulf Reliance (eight years)
Innovation (four years)
Integrity (four years)
Legacy (three years)
Legend (three years)
Liberty (two years)
Ocean Reliance (four years)
Pacific Reliance (four years)
Pelican State (five years)
Pennsylvania (two years)
Pride (four years)
Resolve (seven years)
Sea Reliance (four years)
Sound Reliance (three years)
Sunshine State (five years)
Vision (three years)
Charleston Express (nine years)
Philadelphia Express (nine years)
St. Louis Express (nine years)
Washington Express (eight years)
Yorktown Express (eight years)
The USCG's AMVER system originated from and ultimately finds its roots in the Titanic disaster in 1912. Ships passing within sight of the ill-fated passenger liner were unaware that it had hit an iceberg and was sinking. This resulted in the idea of a ship reporting system that could identify other ships in an area of a ship in distress, which could then be sent to assist. In 1958, with the advances of computer technology and assistance of commercial shipping representatives, The USCG was able to develop the AMVER system. There are now over 22,000 vessels enrolled. Awards are given to vessels that send position reports and are available to divert a minimum of 128 days per year. The company receives a letter of appreciation while the ship receives a Certificate of Merit.
Jacksonville-based Crowley Holdings Inc., a holding company of the 123-year-old Crowley Maritime Corporation, is a privately held family and employee-owned company. The company provides marine solutions, energy and logistics services in domestic and international markets by means of six operating lines of business: Puerto Rico Liner Services, Caribbean and Latin America Liner Services, Logistics Services, Petroleum Services, Marine Services and Technical Services. Offered within these operating lines of business are: liner container shipping, logistics, contract towing and transportation; ship assist and escort; energy support; salvage and emergency response through its TITAN Salvage subsidiary; vessel management; vessel construction and naval architecture through its Jensen Maritime subsidiary; government services, and petroleum and chemical transportation, distribution and sales. Additional information about Crowley, its subsidiaries and business units may be found on the Internet at
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Amelia Smith, Crowley Maritime Corporation, +1 9047272513, [email protected]
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