Relationships Expert Wendy Newman Gives New Tips On Valentine’s Day Angst & Leap Year Marriage Proposals
Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) February 02, 2016 -- According to’s relationship expert and author Wendy Newman, two days this month ignite relationship dynamics: February 14th and 29th. Valentine’s Day on the 14th can be a fun, yet tension filled and stressful time. Often the day is used to evaluate the status of a relationship, and expectations can be exceedingly high. This holiday can set people up for failure, so beware. But later in the month, February 29th is a rare opportunity for an unconventional expression of love. February 29 marks Leap Year, traditionally a day where women take the lead in proposing marriage. To keep an even keel during these upcoming days, Newman suggests not to take anything too seriously, and to follow these suggestions:
On Valentine’s Day:
• Do Something Special For Yourself.
• Be generous -- Send a secret admirer card to a friend (or to all your friends).
• Make a list of 5 things you're grateful for in your life.
• Write a letter to someone you love, but never told. Hold onto it.
• Watch your favorite funny movie. Romantic comedies can be dangerous territory, watch at your own risk.
Wendy Newman is the author of “121 First Dates: How to Succeed at Online Dating, Fall in Love, and Live Happily Ever After (Really!) published by Beyond Words/Simon & Schuster.
On Leap Day/Feb. 29
This February also features the return of Leap Year on February 29th. Every four years, in order to keep calendars accurate, an extra “leap day” is added. In 1288 the Irish enacted a law that allowed women to propose marriage to men once every four years. The day has special significance and Newman gives women the following advice on proposing marriage to your man.
• Plan out a special day and time for the big proposal.
• Be confident he'll say "YES."
• Go back to the place of your first date or some other location that is significant to both of you.
• Share from your heart how you feel for him, and how you'd like to share your life with him.
• Buy rings for the both of you, or a piece of jewelry both of you can share.
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About Wendy Newman:
Wendy Newman is an author, and a dating, sex and relationship expert who’s led hundreds of workshops to thousands of people internationally.
She’s the author of 121 First Dates: How to Succeed at Online Dating, Fall in Love and Live Happily Ever After (Really!) Part juicy tell-all, part dating guide.
Steve Fisher, NSI Holdings,, +1 (818) 688-1502, [email protected]
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