Dance Pizazz Offers 8 Tips for a Dancer's First Competition
St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) September 23, 2015 -- According to Dance Comp, “Some people do their first competition after only a few weeks of dancing, others after several years. Most competitors are students somewhere in between. The main advantage of competing early is that a dancer doesn’t know what they don’t know and they don’t have much time to develop expectations or anxiety. This is a HUGE advantage! But, if a dancer is a bit nervous (and yes, saying bit could be a big understatement), they can do a few specific things to get that under control, and reinforce the feeling of being well prepared. These 8 tips should help:
1. The absolute biggest problems are when dancers get so tense that you can not move well, and when they get thrown off when they make a mistake. Dancers will make mistakes! And it is okay!
2. Practice in a way that builds stamina. Do multiple rounds of dances with only a 30 second break in between each. Even if a dancer is very fit, if they do a lot of heats their muscles may get a bit worn from repetition of the same moves, and they might feel wilted when the adrenaline wears off.
3. When practicing use real competition music, played at the right speed or even a bit faster, and again without stopping if there is a mistake.
4. Wear heels to dance at competitions. Practice in heels that are either the same or a bit higher height than the heels that will be worn to dance in the comp.
5.The most successful pro-am students take on the mindset of the professional when at comps. They do not expect their partner to make them look good, or even expect their partner to look better than them.
6. Show each move cleanly and clearly as if you are demonstrating the right way to dance for others.
7. On competition day and the week before, dancers should not think too much. Really! They will do better when they trust everything that they have learned and practiced, and just let it happen.
8. Finally, remember that judges don’t really mark for flash or perfection and do not generally consider those things other than for the highest level of competitor.
At Dance Pizazz we understand the nervousness associated with a dancers first competition and wants to help dancer ease their nerves while preparing for their first. Check out to learn more about competitive dancing.
Nikki McElvain, Dance Pizazz,, +1 (636) 441-6854, [email protected]
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