David Rogers Calls Citizens to Action on Farming Restrictions
Madera, CA (PRWEB) October 25, 2013 -- Madera County farmers are facing a complicated two-pronged issue: Over-regulation and a reduced water supply. David Rogers, Madera County District 2 supervisor, is all too familiar with this issue and wants more citizens to not only become aware, but to also take action.
Madera County is responsible for the growth of $2 billion worth of crops each year and, according to Rogers, is the basis of the economy. That economy is at risk if residents are unable to convince their state and federal officials that the restrictions placed on farmers are going to destroy the industry.
"The growing of our food is a national security issue; we cannot afford to be dependent on other nations to provide our food supply,” Rogers said. “Have we not learned that lesson with our oil? All things considered, it is simply imprudent to allow someone who does not have your best interests at heart to provide your highest ranked base need."
The issues relate to the regulations of farming operations, restrictions with which Rogers staunchly disagrees.
"I oppose, vigorously, any further regulation of farming operations, and many of the regulations that now exist need to be repealed,” Rogers said. “Furthermore, I am opposed to any restrictions on their ability to procure water through drilling, surface delivery or storage."
Rogers said that studies clearly show the activities currently restricted pose no environmental threat.
"It is scientifically clear (according to water experts testimony before the Board of Supervisors) that our water problems can be solved through the cleanup of our watershed, prudent, but not onerous, water policy, and an effort to create storage and surface delivery of water," said Rogers.
Rogers, who was elected in 2010, feels strongly about the issue, and has called for citizens to take action to repeal the farming restrictions by contacting their state and federal officials regarding the matter.
Brandon Hopkins, Sunset Reputation, http://www.sunsetreputation.com, +1 (559) 871-1613, [email protected]
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