DavidEdeburn.com launches an HTML5 resource for Creative Agencies and Advertisers.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 29, 2015 -- As of Sept 1st 2015 flash banner ads will no longer be a viable option for advertisers wishing to effectively reach their demographics. The flash .swf container has a myriad of security issues and is also a processor hog, freezing user’s machines and killing battery life on devices. With this in mind http://www.DavidEdeburn.com has developed a resource and best practices doc to help the advertising community make the transition to HTML5 Display Ad technology.
This resource provides an analysis of the limitations of various technologies and programming languages that can be used to create HTML5 banner ads.
Some of the topics covered on the http://www.DavidEdeburn.com website include but are not limited to the following:
A detailed analysis and file size comparison between GIF, .swf, and HTML5 formats and how file size will need to affect the development workflow when planning for non-rich media display ad creatives. What was once possible with 50kb in Flash SWF’s can be executed in HTML5 but only with a very specific workflow. Without this workflow a 50kb flash swf will need to be a 150kb – 250kb HTML5 unit.
Also provided is an analysis of much of the software currently available to develop HTML5 Ads. This includes Google Web Designer, Adobe Edge Animate CC 2015, Google’s Swiffy .swf to HTML5 conversion tool, Sencha CSS animator, Adobe Flash CC 2015 Canvas, Keyframer, Sping Kit, Wow.js, Magic CSS3 Animation, Animo.js, CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet, Tridiv, Magic, Animate.css, Stylie, Anima, Ceaser, CSS3 Keyframe Animation, and Greensock’s Animation Library (Tween Lite, Tween Max).
http://www.Davidedeburn.com also provides a detailed comparison of CSS3 animation, Javascript animation, Canvas animation, and Web GL animation which helps inform advertisers and creative agencies allowing them to make the correct choices for technology and language at the start of the campaign development cycle. It’s crucial to know what path to follow from the start of a campaign as the technologies and languages each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses.
David Edeburn is also launching http://www.shiftRGB.com to service Advertisers and Creative Agencies that need to create high impact rich media units and highly engaging low kb non-rich media units in HTML5.
“When you’re on a webpage that runs Flash, we’ll intelligently pause content (like Flash animations) that aren’t central to the webpage” – Google Chrome Blog http://chrome.blogspot.com/2015/06/better-battery-life-for-your-laptop.html
david edeburn, David Edeburn, http://www.davidedeburn.com, +1 3105693568, [email protected]
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