Dermatologist, Dr. Peyman Ghasri, Now Offers a Promotion on Skin Cancer Screening
San Fernando Valley, CA (PRWEB) September 23, 2016 -- San Fernando Valley dermatologist, Dr. Peyman Ghasri, is now offering a promotion on skin cancer screenings. Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the country, with about 8,500 new diagnoses occurring every day. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, are all highly treatable when diagnosed early.
Dr. Ghasri is offering end-of-summer skin cancer screenings. Sun exposure increases the risk of all three types of skin cancers. Just five blistering sunburns in childhood can increase your risk of skin cancer by eighty percent, and tanning can increase the risk of melanoma in women and men under forty-five. Other risk factors include:
• Fair skin, eyes, or hair
• Skin that burns rather than tans
• A history of heavy UV exposure due to tanning bed use and sunburns
• The use of immune system-suppressing drugs or diseases
• More than fifty moles
• Having moles that are large or otherwise atypical
• Having a personal or family history of skin cancer
“Although summer is coming to an end, the dangers of sun exposure are not,” Dr. Ghasri’s team said. “Skin cancer screening saves lives.” Religious sunscreen use can slash the risk of skin cancer, and periodic skin checks with a professional, such as Dr. Ghasri, can identify abnormalities that can indicate the presence of skin cancer. Skin self-checks can also be helpful. Dr. Ghasri can help patients determine the appropriate self-exam and professional evaluation schedule based on their personal risk factors and needs. Dr. Ghasri also offers skin cancer treatment options, including Mohs surgery.
About Dr. Ghasri
A native of the San Fernando Valley area, Dr. Ghasri graduated from UCLA and UC Irvine School of Medicine. He is a renowned lecturer and has presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. His research has been widely published in various peer-reviewed dermatologic journals. Dr. Ghasri offers many medical and cosmetic treatments, including treatments for eczema, rosacea, moles, and warts. He offers soft tissue fillers, Botox, facial contouring, chemical peels, and laser treatments. Dr. Peyman Ghasri is a member of the American Society of Mohs Surgery, a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology, and a fellow of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery.
Kevin Neman, Dermatologist,, +1 (818) 205-9300, [email protected]
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