DeRu Conducts Zen Lecture on Quantum Conscious Communication through the Eyes of Albert Einstein & Max Planck
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) April 23, 2014 -- Shaolin Institute ( hosts Shi DeRu’s 9th Zen (Chan in Chinese Mandarin) lecture of his current US tour lecture series, with the theme “Universal Quantum Conscious Communication through the Eyes of Albert Einstein & Max Planck,” the two true Zen master minds in the west, on World Tai Chi Day, April 26, 2014, at 4350 Peachtree Industrial BLVD, Norcross, GA..
The lecture starts 10:30 AM immediately following a brief period of Tai Gong breathing and an experience of Zen Meditation on Consciousness-Health and Happiness. Shi Deru will conduct a lecture on Zen living and meditation, and the Zen minds of Einstein and Planck in the theory of quantum communication of the cosmos and conscious cosmic law of relativity, in which we are all a part.
As Albert Einstein articulated in one of his speeches, "A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space”, Shi DeRu explicated similarly in his Zen way "we are microcosm of the universe. Plants, rivers and mountains are all sentient beings from which our conscious existence sprouts.”
“Zen is about freedom of the body, mind and spirit,” said DeRu.“In Zen, we express our bodies, our emotions, our minds and our spirits just like Gong Fu, in which we express ourselves with unlimited movements in forms and mimic the interaction of reality between beings and super consciousness.”
DeRu’s lecture is all about Zen mind in terms of quantum conscious communication of the universe and freedom of thinking and freedom of creating and recreating something new and something more beautiful.
“We, as high conscious beings with beautiful free-spirited minds, are to learn concepts and ideas but we must first free ourselves from they boundaries and yokes they inherently present, and We must transcend these artificial barriers to our own power of intelligence to create something greater and something more beautiful without being caught up and trapped by these barriers like riding on top of the waves without being pulled down and drowned by the waves of water” DeRu further explained in his Zen remarks.
While Albert Einstein had similar thoughts in his scientific genius mind, “He (man) experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
DeRu promised nothing but offers each attendee the opportunity to experience a bit of new internal light. He states, “ One detaches oneself by looking into the world—bound by the process of thought—rather than with a new, fresh dimension or pure energy field of consciousness, developing a new way of sensing of life’s Qi (energy) force and the frequency of the Qi fields.”
The 8th lecture of DeRu’s current US tour lecture series was held last week in New Orleans, teaching that “Zen goals are without goals, but a continuous life-long devotion in the Zen way of freedom. Zen is a path of achieving the enlightenment of self-being; and to obtain wisdom is a life-long continuum of accumulation of self-discovery of inner Qi intelligence and the genius within.”
Albert Einstein felt the same way. Was Albert Einstein an Awaked Zen master? It is amazingly parallel way of thinking! Here are Albert Einstein’s own words, “Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the life-long attempt to acquire it.” In these words one can see that Awakening is less a constant state of consciousness, than a series of enlightened moments strung together like pearls on a necklace.
When asked ‘What is Zen?,’ DeRu answers, “I do not know, nor can I tell, but I can see, experience and enjoy every bit of it. All I can see. Zen is about the mind,” he explained in simple terms. “The mind creates, the cosmic conscious principle transmits, and reality occurs with action.”
This answer reminds the inquirer of Max Plank—the father of quantum theory. In Max Planck’s words, “All matter originates and exists only by a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Before he announced his next 27 lectures on the current US tour, Shi DeRu gave his readers his final remarks on compassion. “We must be compassionate to all sentient beings. We are in oneness, and we are all part of this conscious universe. We can all contribute to the infinite Qi intelligent process of changing, creation and re-creation.”
In the celebration of Tai Chi day, DeRu leads an audience step-by-step through a simple way of Zen meditation. As he said, “Zen meditation quiets you, empties your mind and frees your Qi field of information so that you will be able to accept more Qi and more information that can serve you. You do not have to lose your old ideas, thoughts or concepts, but rather add more things that open your mind and soul to see things with more clarity. You will become wiser.”
In Zen meditation, “one taps into the deep consciousness in the deep quiet and meditative status of being,” as DeRu murmured in soft voice.
“The path of Zen leads one to be able to penetrate into the deep core field of quantum consciousness of communication to access deep level of intelligence to see that one's wisdom in stored deep within.”
“Zen is a tool, DeRu is enlightening his students, “to open one's inner eye to tap into pure Qi awareness—a deep conscious level that eventually leads to a state of complete peace and harmony.”
In the beginning of the group meditation, he believes anyone will enjoy the process, “In group Zen meditation one finds harmonic frequency within the group, feeling and seeing the related vibration of subconscious frequency that constructs and empowers all members.”
All event starts on Saturday April 26th morning beginning 10:00 AM, with Big Mass Zen meditation of Tai (Quantum) Consciousness for Peace, Harmony, and Happiness.
In harmony with Atlanta Metro Tai Chi students and practitioners around the world, Shaolin students in Mobile and New Orleans meditate respectively at Cathedral Square and Shaolin Institute by the city park of New Orleans on 1995 Gentilly BLVD, Suite C1.). For more information, please visit:
Susan Chan, Shaolin Institute,, 770-286-9808, [email protected]
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