Des Hague of Aegis Enterprises LLC Announces Multi-Year Financial Pledge to the Stamford Youth Foundation
Stamford, CT (PRWEB) February 17, 2016 -- Des Hague of Aegis Enterprises LLC and current Chairman of Corporate Contributions for the Stamford Youth Foundation ( announces a multi-year pledge to insure that every child in Stamford has the opportunity to reach his or her fullest sports or cheer potential.
"As Chairman of the Corporate Contributions campaign for the Stamford Youth Foundation, I felt the need to step up my personal commitment to the cause. Over the years I have regularly given to the foundation but felt that the time was now right to deepen my support," stated Hague. "We all have an opportunity to make a difference in our youth's lives and I hope that many others will also take a moment and make the same determination. We have done so much but there is so much more to do. I ask everyone to make a personal commitment today. No amount is too large or too small," concluded Hague. To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit
"Des has been a long time supporter of the Stamford Youth Foundation and has given generously over the years. We are delighted of his efforts as a board member and are thrilled that he is making this multi-year financial commitment. It is a real boost to our program and will help many children for years to come and I do hope that this action spurs on others to make a difference," stated Tony Spadaccini, President of the Stamford Youth Foundation.
About Stamford Youth Foundation (SYF):
SYF is a 501(c) 3, nonprofit organization that operates sports programs to serve the youths of Stamford, CT, their parents and the community at large. All SYF officers, coaches and directors are volunteers.
SYF receives donations and grants from organizations and individuals to help subsidize its programs. These donations primarily fund the financial scholarships for participants that could not otherwise afford the programs. Making our programs available to all of the town’s youths is core to SYF’s mission. SYF also relies upon Stamford’s public facilities such as parks, ball fields and schools to offer their programs. These facilities are made available to SYF and its participants at no cost (except for custodians at some locations) by the City of Stamford.
Financial Contributions to SYF:
All donations to SYF are tax-deductible to the extent that no value is received in return. They are important to achieving the foundation's goals of providing scholarships to all in need while maintaining affordable fees for the remainder of the participants. Please check out the cause at All contributions, no matter how small, are welcome and can be made easily via GoFundMe ( or you can send a check to the attention of President Tony Spadaccini, the Stamford Youth Foundation, at 74 Lakeview Dr., Stamford, CT 06905.
About Des Hague
A renowned executive with over twenty five years of leading global public and private companies, Des Hague has established himself as an innovative thinker in the international business world. His forward-thinking approach pushes companies toward sustainable growth, granting them a position as resilient competitors within their respective industries. Hague most recently was the CEO and President of Centerplate, Inc, the largest event hospitality company in North America. (source: Hague also serves on the boards of DVETelepresence, PING HD, WC&A, Inc., Lessons For Life, and the Stamford Youth Foundation along with advising on several start-up ventures.
Along with his professional projects, Des Hague contributes significant amount of time and energy to non-profit charitable work. Hague has helped raise more than $100 million over the past few years for many non-profits, including the Stamford Youth Foundation, a local organization offering multiple after-school programs for young people, and The Journey Home, a Baltimore-based Foundation fighting homelessness. Hague views Aegis Enterprises, LLC as a perfect blending of business and philanthropic activities.
For more about Des Hague, visit:
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Email: deshague(at)aegisenterprisesllc(dot)com
Des Hague, AEGIS, LLC,, +1 203-524-7011, [email protected]
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