Despite Article on Bicycle Helmet Laws, Motorcycle Riders Must Still Wear a Helmet to Prevent Injury, Says the Law Offices of Burg & Brock
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 27, 2015 -- According to an article published November 6th by The Telegraph, a new study carried out by the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia suggested that laws requiring bicyclists to wear helmets may not actually decrease the number of hospitalizations for head injuries. The article explains that part of the reason for the controversial conclusion is that, while helmets have certainly prevented a great many head injuries, drivers may assume that a bicyclist wearing a helmet is automatically safer, so they may not exercise as much caution when driving around them. According to the Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Burg & Brock, while this study is likely to stir up an interesting and intense debate about helmet laws impacting bicycle riders, people should by no means interpret these findings to include motorcycle riders as well.
Cameron Yadidi Brock, the firm’s head litigator, explains that motorcycle helmets are essential in preventing serious head injuries in motorcycle accidents due to the high-speed nature of motorcycle crashes as opposed to their bicycle counter-parts. Mr. Brock explains that, due to his long experience as a motorcycle accident attorney, and as an avid motorcyclist himself, he has seen firsthand the consequences of motorcycle accident injuries. While it is true that many motorcycle accidents are the fault of a driver of a car rather than the injured motorcyclist, it is still important that riders take proactive steps to protect their own safety in case another driver on the road demonstrates negligence.
In addition to specializing in motorcycle accident cases, Mr. Brock notes that he also represents a large number of clients who have suffered head injuries, and that these two groups often see a great deal of overlap. He notes that head injuries constitute some of the most serious injuries, particularly in terms of how long the victims will have to contend with the effects of the injury. He explains that head injuries often affect the victim for the entirety of their life, and so the compensation that the victim gains through a personal injury suit is often larger in order to deal with this reality.
The Law Offices of Burg and Brock explain that, despite the controversial study, it is still wise that everyone exercise safety when it comes to riding bikes or motorcycles. They note that those who have been injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence can call the law firm at (888) 979-7979 or learn more online at
Michael Clauw, Cyberset Corp, +1 (818) 883-7277 Ext: 121, [email protected]
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