Doctors Helping More People In The 4th Quarter Through Professional Referral Network
Huntingdon Valley, PA (PRWEB) October 31, 2013 -- Medical doctors seeking new patients as the Winter season approaches, are benefiting more than ever from a deluge of patient leads being generated by Pro2Pro Network, the largest professional referral network in North America.
“It’s a busy time of year when more people tend to get sick from one complaint or another. Through our proprietary system we are connecting a huge volume of health professionals like Dentists, Chiropractors, and Plastic Surgeons and their patients,” said Dr. Len Schwartz, president and CEO of Pro2Pro based in Huntington Valley, PA. “We deliver a service to that no other company in North America can provide.”
Pro2Pro, which earlier this year reached the $150 million milestone in client referrals, uses its groundbreaking service to tap into the biggest network of health professionals actively seeking specialists like Chiropractors, Dentists, Acupuncturists, and Plastic Surgeons to whom they can refer patients.
Since its launch in 2004, Pro2Pro has specialized in connecting professionals with other professionals in their own cities. It’s a much more effective and inexpensive way to develop a steady stream of new patients rather than wasting the marketing budget on print, direct mail, flyers or lunch and free screenings, said Dr. Schwartz, adding, “Some 98 percent of specialists simply don’t utilize the most fruitful and viable way of generating new patients.”
Pro2Pro’s service gives doctors the ability to properly position themselves in their city and includes high-level coaching to ensure that the doctor is successful in maximizing the referral relationships. The Pro2Pro service enables specialists to meet Medical Doctors and other specialists to help more patients and receive a steady flow of high-quality referrals all year long. It also provides a unique service that helps doctors automate the growth of their practice.
Dr. Schwartz said, “Doctors can leverage the referral relationships we provide for the rest of their practice life. These referrals never dry up. They will receive exactly the type of patients they’re looking for. We estimate that once they have a ‘stable’ of referral sources in place about 60 percent of doctors completely eliminate their marketing budget. They enjoy incredibly positive word-of-mouth advertising and become the best known, most respected and most referred-to-doctor in their city.”
Pro2Pro is the only company that offers Chiropractors, Dentists, Acupuncturists, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons throughout the United States and Canada a marketing and practice-building solution of this kind. Pro2Pro also provides doctors with information management tools, systems, strategies and support. With the Pro2Pro service doctors can establish a network of other health specialists and work together to better serve their patients.
Dr. Schwartz said, “It is this team-based approach that ultimately enables the doctor to enjoy greater market penetration, name recognition and a steady flow of patient referrals.”
Pro2Pro offers a geographically exclusive service in which it only helps one doctor per zip code or area. For more information visit:
Lauren Heim, Pro2Pro Network,, (877) 204-2739 Ext: 149, [email protected]
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