Don Shackelford Calls Fallen Church Members Back in New Book
Summerville, S.C. (PRWEB) December 17, 2013 -- In “Can These Bones Live Again?: Healing the Wounded Church” (published by WestBow Press), author and seasoned minister Don Shackelford calls on the standing soldiers of the cross to help their fallen comrades pick themselves up and return to the church.
“It is time for the church to rise up to the level we are called to and begin to love like Jesus, show mercy like Jesus and restore our fallen soldiers like Jesus,” Shackelford declares.
“Can These Bones Live Again?” spreads a message of faith to all readers. Shackelford encourages Christians and churches to extend a welcoming hand to fallen soldiers of the cross and bring them back to church. His personal experiences, fables and Scripture passages remind readers to forgive trespassers and help them restore their faith.
“There is an army of believers who have failed or fallen in attempting to follow Christ and are begging to be understood, forgiven and restored. They desire to stand back up, face the world in the name of Jesus once again,” writes Shackelford.
An excerpt from “Can These Bones Live Again?”:
“God is sending His breath from the four winds from around the world to speak life back into these wounded warriors. They will stand up on their feet again, and they will be an exceedingly great army of the Lord. God will use them to cry out to lost souls for salvation as the church prepares for the end-times gathering.”
“Can These Bones Live Again?”
By Don Shackelford
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 148 pages | ISBN 9781490816326
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 148 pages | ISBN 9781490816319
E-Book | 148 pages | ISBN 9781490816302
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Don Shackelford worked as the senior pastor of a local community church in South Carolina. During his 15-year tenure, he founded a 65-child childcare facility, a Sunday morning and Sunday evening Christian church service for both men and women in the county jail, a drug and alcohol rehab housing facility for men coming out of jail, a private Christian school for children from preschool to 12th grade and a safe house for abused women and children. He is now a missionary in Africa.
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