Donald Millar Releases First Novel: Project Vampire: Let It Bleed
(PRWEB) December 31, 2016 -- The plan, called Project Vampire, requires French speakers, so Graham heads to Brazil to try and recruit a group of mercenaries who have been discharged from their French-Canadian regiment. The problem is that the mercenaries have succumbed to their own heart of darkness and are undisciplined, brutal, ruthless and prone to making potentially life-threatening mistakes. That’s not a good recipe for a secret psychological operations team. So David decamps back to headquarters, where he settles upon those he knows best and trusts, people under his command and those he has worked with before, all French-speaking Quebeckers.
After a rigorous boot camp and a nighttime dropoff in Vietnam near the supply trail, the team goes to work. What follows is ingenious: The plan is to intercept mules crossing into Nam with supplies for the Vietcong, confiscate or compromise those supplies, and leave the villagers to return home with tales of falling unconscious, only to awake with no memories and bloody teeth marks on their necks and clothing. The psychology of the plan is to instill fear into the superstitious villagers so they will no longer work for the Vietcong.
This straightforward, fast-paced and thoroughly enjoyable read by Donald Millar also has a larger metaphorical touch to it: By bleeding the villagers into thinking they have been attacked by vampires, Millar successfully turns the operation into a larger bleeding of the supply lines. It’s a neat trick that lies at the heart of Millar’s plot, and the reader can almost feel the life draining out of the enemy, one drop at a time.
Author Biography: Donald Millar was born in Quebec He is a self-styled “very happy senior citizen” with medical issues alleviated by a good doctor and his friend Anna Henningham, who helped with the computer side of putting Project Vampire together. Donald currently lives in Guelph, Ontario.
ISBN: 978-0-9952615-0-1
Jennifer Sallans, Volumes Publishing LTD.,, +1 (519) 571-1908, [email protected]
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