Dr. Alveda King, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Reflects on the Life of Her Uncle and What MLK Day Should Mean to the U.S.
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) January 19, 2015 -- On January 19th we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Alveda King remembers him as a God fearing, imperfect but redeemed man who loved the Lord. She is proud to commemorate her uncle for leading the civil rights movement and quoted him as saying, “We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish as fools.” Her fondest memories include gathering for holidays with Uncle M.L., as she affectionately called him. In his famous ‘I Have A Dream’ speech from 1963, Martin Luther King Jr.’s desire was for his 4 children to live in a world where they would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
She reflected on fond memories of her uncle as follows:
"I remember the humble man, the man like Moses… but as he became a servant of the Lord, a man of God, he became a very humble man… a very God-fearing man; a very imperfect man, like every human being, but someone who loved the Lord."
Gary asked Alveda King what MLK Day should mean to the country. She replied, "We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters." She reflected that Martin Luther King Jr. wanted us to "Recognize that all human beings, everywhere on the planet are part of a human family."
After her own home was bombed as a young child in Birmingham, where she grew up, Alveda King remembers her father Reverend A.D. King, a Baptist minister, standing on a car with a mega-phone in hand, encouraging people to go home and pray. In that time the leaders of Martin Luther King Jr.'s civil rights movement used a non-violent method to convey their attitudes and beliefs in the hopes that change would occur.
When asked her thoughts on whether or not youth today understand what blacks endured in her generation, Alveda King responded with disappointment. “Our young people are not getting the connection of our history,” she replied. With Bibles, prayer and mention of God being taken out of school, she urges people who use the public school system to insist that past curriculum be reinstated, the Constitution studied, Bibles admitted and voluntary prayer allowed.
To hear the interview in it's entirety, please visit:
To learn more about Dr. Alveda King's involvement with Priests For Life, please visit her blog on the Priests For Life website:http://www.priestsforlife.org/africanamerican/blog/
To learn more about the Wise Counsel Project or to request to be interviewed, please visit:
Wise Counsel Project
To learn more about Gary Martin Hays visit: http://www.garymartinhays.com/
Adam Weart, http://www.garymartinhays.com, +1 (770) 934-8000, [email protected]
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