Dr. David Samadi Explains How Inherited Mutations Linked To Prostate Cancer Increase Mortality At An Earlier Age
New York, NY (PRWEB) December 29, 2016 -- A recent retrospective case-case study of 313 patients found a significantly higher mortality rate in men with prostate cancer who have the germline mutations in three genes – BRCA1/2 (BReast CAncer genes 1 and 2) and ATM. This study not only shows an association between these three inherited mutations for increasing prostate cancer risk and mortality but also for developing more aggressive forms increasing the risk of dying from the disease at an earlier age.
“Just like a woman who has an increased risk of developing breast cancer if she carries the inherited mutations of BRCA1 or BRCA2, men are the same way,” said Dr. Samadi. “This study has clinical significant findings as it parallels past findings of the link between inherited gene mutations of increasing the risk of prostate cancer. Men who carry this inherited gene mutation need to know their risk and from there determine what can be done to reduce their chance of developing prostate cancer.”
It has been known that a man with a family history of prostate cancer has an increased risk of developing the disease with the risk of men with a brother who has prostate cancer being doubled. The goal of this study was to assess whether germline mutations in the three genes distinguish lethal from indolent prostate cancers and what effect it had on the age of death. Indolent prostate cancer is when the cancer is very slow growing and often does not require treatment as it is not aggressive or fatal.
The participants in the study included men of three populations – European, African, and Chinese ancestry. Investigators analyzed germline DNA in each of these populations using Fisher’s exact test and Cox regression analysis, respectively.
Results from the study showed that the combined BRCA 1/2 and ATM mutation carrier rate was significantly higher in more aggressive, lethal prostate cancer patients (6.07%) than what was observed in localized prostate cancer patients (1.44%). Men who had the inherited mutations also had a higher association with having advanced prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis. Also noted was that men who carried these genes had a significantly shorter survival time after diagnosis of four years compared to men who were not carriers of the genes who had a higher survival rate of eight years.
An interesting observation was that there were 49 men in the study who died from prostate cancer over the age of 80 of whom none carried the genetic mutations.
“The role of genetic testing for use in prostate cancer screening and treatment will be an extremely helpful breakthrough for any physician who treats male patients.” stated Dr. Samadi. “If we have the ability to use genetic markers distinguishing men who are at high risk for developing an aggressive prostate cancer from men who are more likely to have an indolent cancer, this will be a huge step in the right direction of treating this disease. That would give me greater ability to know whether to aggressively treat a patient’s cancer or take the approach of active surveillance.”
Dr. Samadi further added, “A man’s mutation carrier status should be a part of how a physician makes treatment decisions. I need to know a man’s family history of BRCA 1/2 mutations and if there were any male members who died of prostate cancer before the age of 75. When I combine this information along with other important factors regarding a man’s health history, a man can feel reassured he is going to be treated for his cancer in the best way possible to help him get the best outcome possible.”
Patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer can contact world renowned prostate cancer surgeon and urologic oncologist Dr. David Samadi at 212-365-5000 for a free phone consultation. To learn more about prostate cancer, visit ProstateCamcer911.com.
Dr. David Samadi, Dr. David Samadi Prostate Cancer Center, http://www.prostatecancer911.com/, +1 (212) 365-5000, [email protected]
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