Dr. Kelly O’Neil Illustrates Non-Surgical Skin Rejuvenation
Temecula, CA (PRWEB) February 23, 2016 -- Dr. Kelly O’Neil educates prospective patients on the top five factors of his signature Skin Rejuvenation treatment. “This non-surgical procedure was designed to improve heavy wrinkling, sagging facial skin, pigmentation spots and sun damage, as well as reduce acne scars and address other skin-related issues,” said Dr. Kelly O’Neil, a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. “No surgical procedure can come close to accomplishing this without severe distortion.”
In order to help people further understand the procedure, Dr. O’Neil answers the following five questions:
No. 1: Is everyone a candidate for the O’Neil Skin Rejuvenation? “No, of course not,” said Dr. O’Neil. “But it is a rare person over 50 who could not benefit substantially from this treatment. Most look at least ten years younger.” A consultation with Dr. O’Neil is required before scheduling the treatment, and about 30% of the patients are screened out at this time for a variety of reasons, including health, psychological make-up, etc.
No. 2: What type of tests are required? All patients are first screened with their medical history by Dr. O’Neil. If he passes a patient at the consultation they are then sent to their own doctor for a physical exam and blood tests. An electrocardiogram or chest X-ray may also be required, depending on age and medical history. Information about the procedure is then provided to doctors who must give their approval for the procedure.
No. 3: How long does the procedure take? “It’s a relatively short procedure, taking one to one and a half hours,” said Dr O’Neil.
No. 4: How does it work? O’Neil Skin Rejuvenation utilizes a chemical formula (peel), ultrasound and a “cold” laser. These combined technologies cause a sloughing and regrowth of the surface skin. They also stimulate the deep tissues to grow new collagen, which tightens the skin, removes wrinkles and improves elasticity.
No. 5: How long do the results last? “Because the procedure tightens skin by regenerating new collagen fibers, it lasts much longer than chemical peels,” said Dr. O’Neil. “An average patient in their mid 50’s will look 10-15 years younger after the treatment and will remain looking 10-15 years younger than their true age for the rest of their lives.”
For more information about Dr. O’Neil’s Skin Rejuvenation, please call (951) 345-4329, or visit the center at 40971 Winchester Road, Temecula, CA.
About Dr. Kelly O’Neil, O’Neil Skin and Lipo Medical Center
Dr. Kelly O’Neil has 34 years’ experience as a medical practitioner. In 2011, he received the Top Doctor & Dentist Award and in 2006 the National Leadership Award. Dr. O’Neil is licensed in California and Idaho. The O’Neil Skin and Lipo Medical Center specializes in body contouring (since 1994) and skin rejuvenation (since 1981). In addition to the Temecula center, they also have a location at 24541 Pacific Park Dr., Suite 103, in
Aliso Viejo, CA (949) 234-7692; and 4836 Van Nuys Blvd., in Sherman Oaks, CA (818) 457-1902.
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