Dr. Stanley Stanbridge Introduces New Medical Invention to the Disability and Rehabilitation Field
IRVINE, CALIFORNIA (PRWEB) November 20, 2014 -- Dr. Stanley Stanbridge's latest invention is called Rapid Release Technology (RRT) and uses Targeted High Speed Vibration to treat the underlying cause of the pain, and not just the symptom. According to the Center for Disease Control, 80 percent of the prescription drug overdoses in the U.S. were unintentional. That being said, the timing of this product release couldn't be better. (1)
Rapid Release Technology focuses on relief of soft tissue problems affecting nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. RRT relies upon the science of resonance. It embodies the same principle as the opera singer who, when her voice hits the right frequency, vibrates a wine glass until it shatters except in the case of RRT, the target is scar tissue adhesions.
Scar Tissue forms in the body as a temporary patching mechanism for wounds caused by injury, surgery, trauma or repetitive stress.
“This scar tissue is made from collagen but without blood supply it dries out, contracts and de-vitalizes,” says Dr. Stanbridge. “Scar tissue fastened to tissues not normally connected, is called an adhesion. Adhesions can cause pain, numbness and limit range of motion.”
Other devices cannot create this effect because RRT operates at a frequency over three times that of the fastest existing devices. An additional effect of this frequency is that it stimulates the Tonic Vibration Reflex (known to relax muscle guarding, spasms and cramps). Treatment time is two to five minutes and is very comfortable to most patients, making it the go-to therapy for chiropractors, physical therapists, sports trainers and the health and medical community.
To learn more about the benefits of RRT, please visit http://www.rapidreleasetech.com or call 949.415.4778. For Press inquiries and B-Rol, please contact Jeff Maier at 949.870.2692 or email jeff(at)rapidreleasetech(dot)com.
About Rapid Release Technology:
A practicing Chiropractic since 1978. Dr. Stanbridge has focused on pain and relieving suffering in a non-surgical, holistic way. In 2000 Dr. Stanbridge introduced the use of powerful LED arrays using a proprietary blend of visible and infrared wavelengths to accelerate healing of wounds and injuries leading to the formation of the highly successful LightStim brand, the largest selling hand held light therapy device in the world. These LED products are FDA approved for Pain, Acne and wrinkle and fine line removal. To see what RRT can do for your patients, please visit http://rapidreleasetech.com/.
Source Section:
1. Prescription Drug Overdose in the United States: Fact Sheet, October 17, 2014, http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/overdose/facts.html/
Jeff Maier, Rapid Release Tech, +1 949- 870-2692, [email protected]
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