Dr. Yuan Fang & Sharon Kleyne Discuss China Water & Medical Cures
Grants Pass, OR (PRWEB) June 02, 2017 -- Date aired: May 15, 2017
Guests: Dr. Yuan Fang, M.A. Bio Chemistry Research Center, China
Dr. Yuan Fang created a foundation in China dedicated to studying cancer. From that starting point, his research and science teams have led the way in China in searching for and finding cures for many diseases. Over the years this research led him into a deeper and deeper appreciation of the fundamental role water plays in all health issues and for this reason, host Sharon Kleyne enthusiastically welcomed him as a guest on her nationally syndicated radio program The Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water, Global Climate Change and Your Health on VoiceAmerica sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®.
Noting that another of Dr. Fang’s specialties is the brain and brain research and noting that the brain is 80% to 85% water, Klyene asked him to comment on the importance of water to organ health. “Every organ needs water to function properly,” said Fang. “When organs become dehydrated due to excessive evaporation, they are compromised and serious health issues can and usually will be the result.”
Kleyne also noted Dr. Fang’s work with the international Geonome Project. “Just as organs need water to function,” said Fang, “cells need water to function as well. Genetically, we’re functioning better when we’re properly hydrated.” Kleyne agreed, adding that “fresh water is necessary for all life and for all cures, too. We are, after all, like walking batteries that need to be recharged on a consistent basis.” Dr. Fang’s work on the ebola virus was also discussed and Fang pointed out that the immune system is seriously affected by evaporation of body water. Fang also said that all aspects of one’s life are impacted by water and the lack of water. “One can’t sleep well without enough water,” he said. “One can’t function as well on a daily basis if one is dehydrated due to over-evaporation of body water vapor. If you are hydrated,” Fang added, “you always feel better when you wake up and when you are making your way through your day.”
Fang also agreed with Kleyne that the eyes are especially susceptible to dehydration due to excessive evaporation, resulting in dry eye conditions and even blindness. “The tear film is where water so easily evaporates,” said Fang, “and it needs to be supplemented on a regular basis to avoid severe dry eye symptoms.” Fang approved of the product that Kleyne’s research center at Bio Logic Aqua Research® Water Life Science® developed, Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® for supplementation of the eye’s tear film and surrounding areas. Yuan noted that it is the only product on the market that is one hundred percent pure water with no chemicals or additives. Fang also expressed his pleasure in the news that Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® is on its way to China where dry eye disease and blindness are running rampant.
Sharon Kleyne, Bio-Logic Aqua® Research – Water Life Science® -Rogue Media, http://www.biologicaqua.com, +1 (800) 367-6478, [email protected]
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