DrugNews: Settlements Lead to Decline in Yaz Lawsuits For April
New York, NY (PRWEB) April 23, 2014 -- The birth control safety advocates at DrugNews.net are alerting women who have taken the oral contraceptives Yaz or Yasmin of updated legal news on the site. As settlements continue, the latest court records show the number of lawsuits alleging Yaz side effects has dropped for April*.
DrugNews is a free resource that provides the latest product recalls, safety alerts, research and litigation news for patients taking popular prescription drugs. Visitors can recognize potential dangers, see if others are experiencing similar side effects and decide if they need legal advice.
The resource center has added warnings from health experts such as the FDA** and British Medical Journal*** that birth controls like Yaz and Yasmin, which contain drospirenone, can increase risks of blood clots. The U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency also recently advised certain meds like Yasmin can double the risk of blood clots****.
Due to the number of patients that have filed a Yaz lawsuit alleging side effects, cases have been consolidated in a special federal court (Yasmin and Yaz (Drospirenone) Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation (MDL No. 2100, Southern District Illinois)).
The maker of the drugs, Bayer, has spent $1.69 billion so far to settle around 8,250 Yaz lawsuits alleging blood clot injuries like pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and the company says they will continue to evaluate new cases for settlement*****.
Now, the latest court records obtained by DrugNews show the amount of these Yaz cases still pending has fallen over 1% again for the month of April, from 9,550 on March 13 to 9,426 on April 15th*.
Lawyers are still helping those injured. Anyone who suffered a blood clot, DVT, stroke or pulmonary embolism after taking Yaz or Yasmin is urged to visit DrugNews or speak with a lawyer about their legal options. DrugNews only recommends lawyers who have settled hundreds of Yaz lawsuits.
For more information on the research, side effects and litigation news related to Yaz and other drugs, or to speak with a lawyer, visit http://www.DrugNews.net.
*JPML, 4/15/14; jpml.uscourts.gov/sites/jpml/files/Pending_MDL_Dockets_By_District-April-15-2014.pdf
**FDA, 10/27/11, http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DrugSafety/UCM277384.pdf
***BMJ, 10/25/11; ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22027398
****British Journal of Family Medicine, Feb 2014; bjfm.co.uk/content/article.aspx?id=25769806997
*****Bayer Annual Report, Notes to Consolidated Financial Statement, Legal Risks, 2/28/14; annualreport2013.bayer.com/en/legal-risks.aspx
Resource Specialist, DrugNews, http://www.DrugNews.net, +1 (888) 391-1315, [email protected]
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