DuPont Reports Virginia Grower Breaks World Corn Yield Record with Pioneer® P1197AM™ Brand Corn
Des Moines, Iowa (PRWEB) December 18, 2015 -- The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) announced today that David Hula of Charles City, Va., broke the world corn yield record with 532 bushels per acre using Pioneer® P1197AM™ brand corn on his 2015 contest plot. This is Hula’s third straight year achieving record-breaking yields planting Pioneer® brand corn products. Overall, the NCGA granted eight national and 218 state awards to growers who used Pioneer® brand seed and entered the annual National Corn Yield Contest.
The Pioneer® brand P1197 corn family is a yield leader across most of the Corn Belt, providing growers with industry-leading yields and dependable agronomics under most growing conditions. It is a high-performance family adapted both north and south of its 111 maturity rating, and is available in a variety of trait packages to meet the insect protection needs of growers. The winning product, P1197AM™, is an integrated refuge product with above ground insect control that provides above average stalks and foliar disease resistance for a solid agronomic foundation. It responds to intensive management on both high yield dryland and irrigated acres. The P1197 family is available across the Corn Belt. Along with Mr. Hula’s national award-winning yield, 40 state yield contest awards were granted to growers who used products within this family in 2015, including 12 first place finishes.
“This year’s NCGA results and David Hula’s record-setting yield validate what we have been hearing from growers since its introduction in 2014 – the Pioneer brand P1197 family of products is a winner for many growers across much of the Corn Belt,” said Steve Reno, DuPont Pioneer vice president, regional director – U.S. and Canada. “Our 2015 NCGA title winners demonstrate the strength of Pioneer germplasm and trait packages, coupled with the team of professionals that is with customers throughout the season to help achieve maximum productivity.”
The Pioneer brand P1197 family is one of 33 different Pioneer® brand product families that growers used to place in national and state categories in the 2015 NCGA yield contest. In addition to the strong performance of the P1197 family in 2015, many growers experienced success with the Pioneer® brand P0801family in the Western Corn Belt and P0157 family which is also widely adapted to the north and south of zone 101 CRM. Both provide excellent yield results across most of the Corn Belt. Growers who planted Pioneer® brand products had more entries that topped 300 bushels per acre than any other brand in this year’s contest. Pioneer growers also took home more than half of the state awards, with more first place titles compared to all other seed brands.
“We are very proud of our Pioneer yield heroes who brought home another record yield year in 2015,” Reno said. “In a year of fluctuating corn prices and variable field conditions across North America, growers were able to protect their bottom line with high-yielding Pioneer® brand products that responded to the growing conditions and grower management.”
The newest – and highest-performing – Pioneer® brand corn products will comprise more than half of the 2016 lineup available to growers.
Pioneer also offers value with Encirca℠ Yield Nitrogen Management Service and PPST 250 plus DuPont™ Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment product, which helps maximize the productivity of every acre and every seed. Lumivia™ insecticide seed treatment will be available on most new corn families for 2016.
The NCGA Corn Yield Contest is an annual U.S. national competition among corn growers with the goal of capitalizing on the high genetic yield potential of today’s corn hybrids. It also encourages the development of sustainable new and innovative management practices that result in higher yields. Growers compete in six corn production classes, including non-irrigated, no-till/strip-till non-irrigated, irrigated and no-till/strip-till irrigated classes.
For more information about Pioneer brand corn products grown by contest winners and the broad range of top-producing Pioneer brand products, growers should contact their local Pioneer sales professional.
For a list of national winners, yield totals and product numbers, visit
To learn more about the National Corn Growers Association, visit
DuPont Pioneer is the world’s leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics, providing high-quality seeds to farmers in more than 90 countries. Pioneer provides agronomic support and services to help increase farmer productivity and profitability and strives to develop sustainable agricultural systems for people everywhere. Science with Service Delivering Success®.
DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering to the global marketplace in the form of innovative products, materials, and services since 1802. The company believes that by collaborating with customers, governments, NGOs, and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to such global challenges as providing enough healthy food for people everywhere, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and protecting life and the environment. For additional information about DuPont and its commitment to inclusive innovation, please visit
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Encirca℠ services are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the purchase documents.
Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.
The DuPont Oval logo, DuPont™ and all products, unless otherwise noted, denoted with a ™, ℠ or ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.
Jane Slusark, DuPont, 515-535-0164, [email protected]
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