DX Engineering Supports the A35T Tonga DXpedition
Tallmadge, OH (PRWEB) January 27, 2016 -- From February 18 to 24, 2016, Amateur Radio enthusiasts are traveling to Tonga to make wireless contact with Hams around the planet. Tonga is important because the region has sparse Amateur Radio activity, which means it consistently ranks near the top of the DX Century Club’s Most Wanted list. This trip also coincides with the ARRL’s International DX CW contest (Feb. 20-21), which promises to encourage radio traffic towards the DXpedition’s stations.
The plan for A35T is to transmit on the 160-10 meter bands using all modes, including RTTY. Weather, propagation and other environmental factors can affect transmit/receive capability, so operators are encouraged to visit the DXpedition’s website, Tonga2016.com, for periodic updates.
Though A35T will be based on the largest central island of Tonga, the actual Kingdom of Tonga consists of over 150 separate islands clustered in the southern Pacific Ocean. The kingdom earned the nickname “Friendly Islands” due to the warm reception Captain James Cook received upon his initial visit over 200 years ago.
To assist the A35T DXpedition, DX Engineering supplied 1,000 feet of its new RG-8X Coaxial Cable. RG-8X is a low-loss, gas-injected foam dielectric feedline coax with excellent handling characteristics. It’s durable and highly flexible, making it an excellent choice for the small, temporary HF stations the DXpedition team will build.
For more information on DX Engineering’s RG-8X Coaxial Cable, please visit DXEngineering.com.
Alan Rebescher, Summit Racing Equipment, +1 (330) 630-0270 Ext: 7406, [email protected]
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