Eat, Chew, Live - A New Book by Dr. John Poothullil - Offers a Radical New Approach to Prevent or Reverse Type 2 Diabetes without Medication, Saving Billions of Dollars
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 17, 2015 -- Diabetes is at nearly pandemic levels, with 1 in 4 adults over 65 in the US being fully diabetic and 1 in 3 over age 20 being prediabetic. In Eat, Chew, Live, Dr. John Poothullil argues that it is time to reevaluate the accepted theory of insulin resistance as the cause of the disease since medical research has yet to explain how it happens or why. In its place, he offers a far more logical scientific explanation for high blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes along with a revolutionary approach to preventing and even reversing the effects of the disease without the use of medication.
Dr. Poothullil demonstrates how the real cause of Type 2 diabetes turns out to be a very normal metabolism—the occasional burning of fatty acids in muscles rather than glucose. This metabolism begins occurring regularly when people overeat carbohydrates and fill up their fat cells, causing fatty acids to flow freely in the bloodstream and be used as fuel for muscle cells. Called the “fatty acid burn switch,” it leaves glucose in the bloodstream, leading to high blood sugar and eventually to the diagnosis of diabetes.
“It is not logical that millions of modern adults and children around the world are suddenly becoming insulin resistant,” says Dr. Poothullil. “A more sensible explanation is my theory, that overeating and easy access to high carb diets such as rice, fast foods and prepackaged products made with grain flour creates this metabolic shift in favor of fatty acids as cellular fuel rather than glucose. This is the link between diabetes, weight gain, and obesity.”
Eat, Chew, Live explains how a simple diet change can prevent or reverse Type 2 diabetes. With clear explanations and illustrations, Dr. Poothullil discusses how avoiding grains in breads, pastries, muffins, as well as pastas, corn, and other grain-based products, people can reverse the fatty acid burn switch so their body begins burning their excess glucose again. This will help them lower their blood sugar, as well as lose weight. In this way, people who are prediabetic can avoid going on medications and even fully diabetic patients can lower their dosages and even stop medication and/or insulin injections.
The American Diabetes Association estimates that diabetes costs the American healthcare system over $245 billion per year, including $176 billion in direct medical costs and $69 billion in reduced productivity. Dr. Poothullil's theory on the cause and solution of Type 2 diabetes can save hundreds of billions by keeping more and more Americans from developing Type 2 diabetes.
“Eat, Chew, Live is not like other diet or weight loss books. There are no programs to follow, menus to cook, or products to buy,” notes Dr. Poothullil. “This book is about respecting how your body works.”
Jared Drake, JDPR, +1 3103596487, [email protected]
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