Electronic Flight Bag Users Forum Slated for June 13-15 in Vienna
WARRENDALE, Pa. (PRWEB) April 19, 2017 -- Registration is open for the next EFB Users Forum to be held June 13-15, 2017. This conference will be hosted by Austrian Airlines at the Vienna Marriott Hotel. It is hard to comprehend that many major airlines had no EFB program when we started the Forum in April 2010. Today, the EFB Users Forum is the world’s largest conference dedicated to EFB, and regularly attracts over 300 participants from around the globe.
The presenters at the first EFB Users conference set a high bar for providing current, relevant, and actionable information. We still strive to provide that singular experience at every event. This event will review the latest Regulatory developments, progress in Security and Connectivity, advances in Performance Applications, and airline Operator Experiences. As always, attendees will get candid answers direct from the authorities on each of these subjects, and can even chat during one of the breaks or at lunch. Attendees also will hear from different airlines that have never previously presented at the Forum.
A supplier exhibition also will be included. It will include airframers, hardware and software suppliers, system integrators, and service providers who will showcase their products and services. The EXPO will include a standup buffet featuring Viennese favorites and drinks from 5:00-7:00 PM. Please be sure to stop by to see the latest offerings – you will not be disappointed. To exhibit, please make your arrangements with Lori Hess at: lorine.hess(at)sae-itc(dot)org.
To register, please visit:
Those who do not preregister will need to manually register at the door. There is a limited number of rooms available at a special discounted rate. To make a hotel reservation, please visit:
Book your group rate for EFB Users Forum
Participants in the EFB Users Forum have led and witnessed significant change in seven years; and even more changes are anticipated.
Brand recognition opportunities are available in the mobile app, break sponsorship, and exhibit opportunities. Show how we can help you get your brand in front of current and potential customers. For more information see http://www.aviation-ia.com/aeec/projects/efb_users_forum/EfbUf_ExpoSponsorPackage.pdf
ARINC Industry Activities (ARINC IA) is a SAE ITC (Industry Technologies Consortia) program. The SAE ITC team specializes in establishing and managing consortia by providing proven processes, tools and resources. ITC enables public, private, academic and government organizations to connect and collaborate in neutral, pre-competitive forums thus empowering the setting and implementation of strategic business improvements in highly engineered industries globally.
SAE ITC is an affiliate of SAE International. SAE International is a global association committed to being the ultimate knowledge source for the engineering profession. By uniting over 127,000 engineers and technical experts, we drive knowledge and expertise across a broad spectrum of industries. We act on two priorities: encouraging a lifetime of learning for mobility engineering professionals and setting the standards for industry engineering. We strive for a better world through the work of our philanthropic SAE Foundation, including programs like A World in Motion® and the Collegiate Design Series™.
Peter H. Grau
Principal Engineer
SAE-ITC, ARINC Industry Activities
16701 Melford Blvd. Ste. 120
Bowie, MD 20715
Shawn Andreassi, SAE International, http://www.sae.org, +1 (724) 772-8522, [email protected]
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