Elicina’s Revolutionary Skin Cream Coming Soon to Jet.com
BOCA RATON, Fla. (PRWEB) October 23, 2017 -- Elicina’s revolutionary and age-defying Snail Cream products will soon be available on rapidly growing e-commerce website Jet.com, which is owned by retail giant Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Thirty years ago in the mountains of Chile, the Bascunan family discovered a unique, natural ingredient that soothes, balances, repairs and rejuvenates the skin so it looks and feels healthier. This powerful, unique, organic ingredient comes from the secretions of a brown garden snail found only in Chile.
The biological composition of the snail extract is similar to the structure of our own skin, making it biologically compatible. The secretion is packed with protein, vitamins and peptides, and it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents. For the snail, it helps it repair its own skin and shell when damaged.
But for people, it can reduce signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines and crows feet, and help get rid of blemishes, acne breakouts, stretch marks, scars, keloids, and sun and age spots — and even help burns heal more quickly.
“This little brown snail really is remarkable, and it’s going to help revolutionize skincare as we know it,” Elicina General Manager Paula Bascunan said. “The properties of the extract were discovered by chance. They were destined for French restaurants but they started noticing the effect the extract had on the skin of their hands.”
Dermatological studies confirmed what the family had noticed about the secretion’s effects on skin, and the family began crafting a product that contained the extract in high concentrations to help everyone benefit from the exceptional biological properties of this little snail. Up to 80 percent of the final product is from the snail secretion.
“Elicina Snail Cream is a dermocosmetic product safe to be used on people of all ages to help prevent as well as treat and heal skin conditions,” Bascunan said. “We can’t wait to get it into the hands of more people in the U.S.”
No snails are harmed in the harvesting of the secretion. Elicina products were granted the patent of invention by the World Organization of Patents of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland, and the company has been in business for more than two decades.
For more information on Elicina products, visit http://www.elicina.us, coming soon to http://www.jet.com.
Tess Audrey, InHealth Media, http://www.inhealthmedia.com, +1 5615440719, [email protected]
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