Elizabeth Sohnle Fine Art Photographer Donates to Cystic Fibrosis
(PRWEB) October 22, 2013 -- Elizabeth Sohnle Fine Art Photographer is pleased to announce a new campaign aimed to increase public awareness and raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, both locally and nationally. Her website http://www.lizartgallery.com features acclaimed photographs and gifts from artist Elizabeth Sohnle.
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 Americans and 70,000 people worldwide. Ten million people in the United States—one in 30—carry the defective CF gene.
There are about 1,000 new cases of cystic fibrosis each year, many of them are diagnosed shortly after birth. Most people are unaware of the complex treatment of this lifelong disease until a family member or friend is diagnosed. The disease may be very mild to severe, yet all affected require daily treatment.
“Adding Tomorrows” expresses the mission—and results—of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s steadfast efforts to extend the length and quality of life for those living with CF and pursue a cure.When the Foundation was established in 1955, children with CF were not expected to live long enough to attend elementary school. Today more than 45 percent of the CF population is 18 or older.
“One of my beautiful grandchildren has cystic fibrosis.She is a fighter and inspires me with her fearless attitude,” said Elizabeth. “She is a happy little girl, and doing well, thanks to the loving care and support she receives both from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, and through the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.”
Just in time for the season of giving, LizArt Gallery is launching this campaign. Acclaimed artist Elizabeth Sohnle is donating 50 percent of all website sales from November 1st through December 1st to Children's Hospital and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. "In addition I will also give a 20 percent discount to all orders over $100. This campaign is very personal, it is my way to help children like my granddaughter."
“The Holidays are a time of giving. The photographs and other merchandise featured in my galleries make wonderful gifts; you will also be helping children and adults who live with this lifelong disease,” said Elizabeth. “I will also be adding a Holiday Gallery, with gift suggestions.”
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin proudly endorses Elizabeth Sohnle's campaign:
"On behalf of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, I would like to ask for your consideration to support Elizabeth Sohnle and her 2013 LizArtGallery Campaign for the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic benefiting Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Your contribution will support patient care and equipment needs, medical and community education programs, child advocacy initiatives and pediatric medical research.
It is only through the generous support of our community that Children’s Hospital can continue to provide the best pediatric care available. Thousands of children are treated each year for all types of illnesses, injuries, birth defects and other disorders. Care is provided for children from Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and beyond regardless of race, creed, or ability to pay for services."
Real progress towards a cure has ben made, but the lives of young people with CF are still cut far too short.
For more information on Elizabeth Sohnle, LizArt Gallery or to make purchases in her gallery collections call (414) 870-1610 or visit http://www.lizartgallery.com .
About Elizabeth Sohnle: Based in Wisconsin, Elizabeth Sohnle worked for years as a critical care nurse where she became an acute observer of peoples’ emotions. Even after leaving her nursing position, Elizabeth makes sure to integrate these past emotional experiences into each photograph to achieve the most resonant response from the viewer. She has learned to be a keen observer of the world we live in, including the people and various creatures that inhabit it. Elizabeth is a freelance photographer, photographing and exhibiting all over the United States.
Elizabeth Sohnle, Liz Art Gallery, http://www.lizartgallery.com, (414) 257-1743, [email protected]
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