Elmspring Accepting Applications for Next Accelerator Session
(PRWEB) January 10, 2017 -- The real estate tech accelerator, elmspring, is excited to announce it will be accepting applications for its latest session, elmspring 2017. Interested startups may begin submitting applications as of January 3, 2017. The accelerator is set to launch next summer.
The elmspring accelerator was founded in 2013 by real estate entrepreneurs and Principals at Elmdale Partners, Thomas Bretz and Adam Freeman. The elmspring accelerator is the first seed-stage technology accelerator in the country to focus solely on the real estate industry. The four-month intensive program helps startups bring their disruptive ideas to market. Each participating startup receives seed capital, access to elmspring’s robust network of mentors and strategic partners, such as Century 21 Affiliated, Waterton, and Harrison St., office space at the tech hub 1871 Chicago and many other professional services and resources. The program culminates with a Rush event where participants demonstrate their products for serious investors.
The latest session of the accelerator, elmspring 2016, mentored 10 businesses, including ParqEx, a private parking marketplace enabling non-commercial parking owners to rent their underutilized parking spots. Recently, ParqEx closed on $1.2 million in funding. As of elmspring’s Rush event held in late October, the participating companies had secured $3.3 million in funding. The elmspring accelerator recently received a 2016 Chicago Real Estate Housing Innovation Award from the Home Builders Association of Greater Chicago for its achievements this past year.
“This session we are looking for companies who have been paying attention to the latest trends in real estate and development. The well has yet to run dry with possible Big Data applications and real estate, especially on the commercial side. Smart home, office and city innovations are exploding, and we expect to see ideas centered around sensing technology and predictive maintenance. Possible ideas might also focus on construction and design—an area seeing much transformation as of late. As always, we want to be wowed by any idea, and the people who conceived it, no matter its specific application,” says elmspring’s executive director Bob Gillespie.
Interested candidate companies should visit elmspringaccelerator.com for more information about the program and how to apply.
Bob Gillespie, elmspring accelerator, 773.844.2329, [email protected]
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